Suuri illusioni is a Finnish film directed by Klaus Härö. The story follows a young woman named Marja who dreams of becoming a famous actress. She moves to Helsinki to pursue her dream, but soon realizes that the world of show business is not as glamorous as she thought.
As Marja struggles to find success, she meets a famous actor who offers to help her. However, she soon discovers that he has ulterior motives and must navigate the cutthroat industry on her own.
Throughout the film, Marja must confront the harsh realities of fame and success, while also staying true to herself and her dreams. Will she be able to achieve her goal of becoming a star, or will she be consumed by the illusion of fame?
Play | Title | Artist |
Suuri illusioni
I'm Coming Virginia
Bix Beiderbecke:
Wringing and Twisting
Bix Beiderbecke:
Jazz Me Blues
Bix Beiderbecke:
Sony Boy
Josephine Baker:
Miliza Korjus: