Sword of the Valiant Soundtrack (

Sword of the Valiant Soundtrack (1984) cover

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Rating: 4.50/10 from 2500 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

El caballero verde

Title in Português:

A Espada dos Valentes


Once upon a time, in the kingdom of King Arthur, a young squire named Gawain embarks on a quest to prove his worthiness. Armed with only his courage and a mysterious sword, Gawain faces many challenges and battles against formidable foes.

As he journeys through the mystical land, Gawain encounters magical creatures, treacherous villains, and tests of his loyalty and honor. With each trial, Gawain learns valuable lessons and grows stronger in his resolve.

But when a powerful sorcerer threatens the kingdom and King Arthur's rule, Gawain must rise to the occasion and wield the Sword of the Valiant to defeat the evil forces. Will Gawain prove himself as a true hero and protector of the realm?

Join Gawain on his epic adventure in "Sword of the Valiant" and witness the triumph of good over evil in a tale of bravery, honor, and destiny.

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Sword of the Valiant

User reviews

Betty Parker

The soundtrack effectively conveys the suspense and tension during pivotal moments of the plot, keeping the audience engaged and invested in Gawain's quest to prove his worthiness and protect the kingdom.

Joseph Davis

The soundtrack of Sword of the Valiant beautifully captures the essence of Gawain's epic quest in King Arthur's kingdom. Each track immerses you in the mystical atmosphere of the story, with soaring melodies and powerful orchestral arrangements that evoke a sense of adventure and heroism.

Kimberly Hall

Additionally, the repetitive use of generic medieval motifs in the soundtrack became monotonous and predictable, failing to enhance the storytelling or create a sense of immersion in the fantastical world of King Arthur and his knights.

Laura Parker

The soundtrack of Sword of the Valiant perfectly captures the essence of a medieval quest, with epic orchestral arrangements that evoke a sense of adventure and heroism.

Andrew Hernandez

The epic and grandiose melodies in the soundtrack evoke a sense of heroism and valor, enhancing the epic journey of Gawain as he faces challenges and battles against formidable foes.

Betty Harris

The music perfectly complements the journey of Gawain, from his humble beginnings as a squire to his ultimate battle against the powerful sorcerer. The emotional depth and intensity of the soundtrack enhance the storytelling, making the listener feel connected to Gawain's struggles, triumphs, and growth as a hero.

Edward Brown

The use of recurring motifs and themes throughout the soundtrack creates a cohesive and thematic unity that ties together the different aspects of Gawain's journey, highlighting his growth and transformation as a character.

Elizabeth Brown

Overall, the soundtrack of Sword of the Valiant is a powerful and evocative complement to the epic tale of bravery, honor, and destiny, enriching the storytelling experience and immersing the audience in the magical world of King Arthur's kingdom.

Timothy Martinez

The soundtrack of Sword of the Valiant failed to capture the epic and mystical atmosphere of the story. The music felt uninspired and lacked emotional depth, leaving me disconnected from the characters' journey.

Michael Anderson

The use of traditional instruments and motifs adds an authentic and immersive feel to the soundtrack, transporting the listener to the mystical world of King Arthur's kingdom and enhancing the storytelling of the film.

William Smith

The emotional depth of the music in key moments of the story, such as Gawain's encounters with magical creatures and tests of loyalty, adds a layer of complexity to the narrative and enhances the overall storytelling experience.

Anthony Carter

The soundtrack of Sword of the Valiant perfectly captures the medieval and adventurous essence of the story. The use of traditional instruments like flutes and drums adds an authentic and immersive feel to the music.

Sarah Martinez

The music enhances the emotional depth of Gawain's journey, from moments of triumph and valor to moments of doubt and introspection, creating a dynamic and engaging listening experience.