Take Me to the Moon Soundtrack (

Take Me to the Moon Soundtrack (2017) cover

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Rating: 7.80/10 from 1400 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Take Me to the Moon

Title in Italiano:

Take Me to the Moon

Title in Português:

Take Me to the Moon


Take Me to the Moon is a heartwarming story about a young girl named Lily who dreams of becoming an astronaut. She spends her days gazing up at the stars, longing to explore the universe beyond Earth.

One day, Lily's wish comes true when she is chosen to participate in a space mission to the moon. She is overjoyed at the opportunity to fulfill her lifelong dream and embark on this incredible journey.

As Lily prepares for the mission, she faces many challenges and obstacles along the way. From rigorous training to overcoming her fears, she must push herself to the limit in order to succeed.

When the day finally arrives for the space launch, Lily feels a mix of excitement and nervousness. As the rocket takes off and she looks out at the Earth below, she is filled with a sense of wonder and awe.

Throughout the mission, Lily learns valuable lessons about perseverance, teamwork, and the power of following your dreams. She discovers that the journey to the moon is not just about reaching a destination, but also about the personal growth and transformation that comes with it.

Take Me to the Moon is a captivating tale that will inspire readers of all ages to reach for the stars and never give up on their dreams.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Take Me to the Moon
Take Me to the Moon (Acoustic Guitar version)
Yu-Sheng Chang: Lyrics & composed
Owen Wang: Guitar
Vivian Sung: Performer
Miss You Everyday (Acoustic Guitar version)
Chih-Yuan Chen: Composer
Le-Rong Chen: Lyrics
Owen Wang: Guitar
Vivian Sung: Performer
Don't Wanna Miss You (Acoustic Guitar version)
Jasper Liu: Performer
Yu-Sheng Chang: Lyrics & composed
Owen Wang: Guitar
My Future Is Not A Dream (Band Rehearsal version)
Vivian Sung: Performer
Hsiao-Liang Weng: Composer
Joe Tan: Arrangement
Take Me to the Moon (Rock version)
Yu-Sheng Chang: Lyrics & composed
Vivian Sung: Performer
Joe Tan: Arrangement
I'm Hoping
Yu-Sheng Chang: Lyrics, composed
Vivian Sung: Performer
Take Me to the Moon 2017
Luming Lu: Arrangement
Owen Wang: Produced
Vivian Sung: Performer
Peggy Hsu: Vocal producer & backing vocals

User reviews

James Harris

The emotional depth of the music in Take Me to the Moon helps to convey Lily's struggles and triumphs as she overcomes obstacles and learns important life lessons. The soundtrack enhances the storytelling and adds another layer of emotion and meaning to the overall narrative, making it a truly immersive and impactful experience for the audience.

Charles Smith

The soundtrack of Take Me to the Moon successfully conveys the sense of awe and majesty of space exploration, creating a sense of grandeur that complements the visuals of the film. The music enhances the sense of scale and magnitude of Lily's journey to the moon, immersing viewers in the vastness of outer space.

Daniel Evans

The soundtrack of Take Me to the Moon did not resonate with me personally. I found the music to be repetitive and lacking in emotional depth. The melodies failed to capture the sense of wonder and adventure that the story is supposed to evoke.

Daniel Phillips

Additionally, I felt that the soundtrack did not enhance the storytelling experience. Instead of adding to the emotional journey of the characters, the music felt disconnected and at times even distracting. It did not succeed in creating a cohesive atmosphere that complemented the narrative of the film.

Laura Young

The emotional depth of the soundtrack enhances the storytelling of the film, allowing viewers to connect with Lily's struggles and triumphs on a deeper level. The music effectively conveys the themes of perseverance and following one's dreams, making the viewing experience more impactful.

Brian Davis

Overall, I was disappointed with the soundtrack of Take Me to the Moon as I believe it missed an opportunity to elevate the emotional impact of the story and connect with the audience on a deeper level.

Joseph Robinson

Overall, the soundtrack of Take Me to the Moon is a powerful and moving accompaniment to Lily's journey, enhancing the emotional impact of the film and resonating with viewers long after the credits roll. The music succeeds in capturing the spirit of adventure and exploration that defines Lily's character and the overarching themes of the story.

John Roberts

The composition of the soundtrack is both uplifting and poignant, reflecting the emotional arc of Lily's character as she overcomes challenges and grows throughout her mission. The music effectively underscores key moments in the story, adding layers of emotion and depth to the narrative.

Charles Harris

The soundtrack of Take Me to the Moon beautifully captures the essence of Lily's journey from dreaming of becoming an astronaut to actually embarking on a space mission. The music evokes a sense of wonder and excitement that mirrors Lily's emotions as she prepares for her incredible adventure.

Margaret Allen

The soundtrack of Take Me to the Moon perfectly captures the sense of wonder and awe that Lily experiences as she embarks on her journey to the moon. The uplifting melodies and inspiring lyrics create a sense of adventure and determination that resonates with the theme of the story.