Taxidermia Soundtrack (

Taxidermia Soundtrack (2006) cover

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Rating: 6.90/10 from 19000 votes
Tags: competitive eating, military orderly, taxidermist
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Taxidermia - Friss oder stirb


Taxidermy is a Hungarian film that tells the story of three generations of men in a family, each with their own unique obsessions and desires. The first generation is a soldier who becomes a competitive eater, consuming massive amounts of food in a quest for glory. The second generation is a taxidermist who is obsessed with preserving animals in bizarre and grotesque ways. The third generation is a speed-eater who competes in eating contests, following in his grandfather's footsteps. The film explores themes of obsession, desire, and the passing down of traits from one generation to the next.

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User reviews

Betty Perez

The use of unconventional instruments and sounds in the music of Taxidermia adds an eerie and surreal quality to the film, making it stand out from other soundtracks.

Joseph Scott

The use of different musical styles and instruments in the soundtrack adds depth and complexity to the overall viewing experience.

Kimberly Martinez

The music in Taxidermia seamlessly blends with the visuals, creating a cohesive and immersive viewing experience that stays with the audience.

Mark Hill

I appreciate how the soundtrack reflects the unique obsessions and desires of each generation portrayed in the film.

Kimberly Moore

The soundtrack of Taxidermia perfectly captures the eerie and unsettling atmosphere of the film. The haunting melodies and dissonant tones enhance the themes of obsession and desire portrayed in the story.

Elizabeth Carter

The use of unconventional instruments and experimental sounds in the soundtrack of Taxidermia adds a unique and innovative touch to the overall listening experience. It effectively conveys the unsettling and bizarre nature of the characters' obsessions and the dark themes explored in the film.

William White

The soundtrack of Taxidermia is a testament to the power of music in storytelling, effectively enhancing the themes of obsession and generational traits explored in the film.

George Perez

The music choice in Taxidermia reflects the twisted and macabre nature of the story, adding depth to the characters and their obsessions.

Kimberly Martin

The soundtrack of Taxidermia skillfully mirrors the characters' inner turmoil and psychological struggles, effectively conveying their obsessions and desires.

William Campbell

Overall, the music in Taxidermia is a powerful and essential component that contributes significantly to the overall impact and resonance of the film.

Elizabeth Brown

The haunting melodies in the soundtrack linger in my mind long after watching the film, creating a lasting impression.

Amanda Martin

The soundtrack of Taxidermia is a standout element that elevates the film to a higher level of cinematic artistry.

Elizabeth Harris

The music enhances the storytelling by adding layers of emotion and intensity to each scene.

Steven Turner

Each track in the soundtrack feels carefully crafted and thoughtfully placed to enhance the narrative and evoke specific emotions.

Melissa Evans

The haunting melodies in the soundtrack of Taxidermia linger in the mind long after the movie has ended, creating a lasting impact.

Ashley Roberts

The soundtrack of Taxidermia effectively captures the unsettling and dark atmosphere of the film, enhancing the viewer's experience.

Nancy Robinson

The soundtrack of Taxidermia perfectly captures the eerie and unsettling atmosphere of the film.

Joshua Jackson

The music effectively conveys the themes of obsession and desire present throughout the story, enhancing the audience's understanding of the characters.