The Armstrong and Miller Show is a British sketch comedy television show that aired from 2007 to 2010. The show featured the comedic duo Alexander Armstrong and Ben Miller, who performed a variety of sketches and characters.
One of the most popular segments of the show was the "Pilots" sketches, where Armstrong and Miller played two RAF pilots during World War II who spoke in modern slang and had humorous misunderstandings. The show also featured recurring characters such as the "Street Countdown" gang and the "Brabbins and Fyffe" music hall duo.
The Armstrong and Miller Show received critical acclaim for its clever writing and performances, and won several awards during its run. The show was praised for its sharp wit, inventive sketches, and the chemistry between Armstrong and Miller.
Overall, The Armstrong and Miller Show was a beloved comedy series that showcased the talents of its two stars and provided audiences with plenty of laughs.