The Assets is an American eight-part television miniseries that aired on ABC in 2014. The show is based on the real-life events of CIA counter-intelligence officer Sandy Grimes and her partner Jeanne Vertefeuille, who tracked down Aldrich Ames, a notorious CIA officer turned KGB spy.
The series follows Grimes and Vertefeuille as they work tirelessly to uncover the identity of the mole within the CIA who is leaking classified information to the Soviet Union. As they delve deeper into the investigation, they face numerous obstacles and challenges, including bureaucratic red tape and internal politics.
The Assets is a gripping and suspenseful drama that highlights the dedication and perseverance of the two women who played a crucial role in bringing down one of the most damaging spies in US history. The series sheds light on the often overlooked contributions of female intelligence officers and the importance of their work in protecting national security.