The Best Hit Soundtrack (

The Best Hit Soundtrack (2017) cover

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Rating: 7.60/10 from 920 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Choi-go-eui Han-bang

Title in Italiano:

Choi-go-eui Han-bang


The Best Hit is a South Korean television series that follows the story of a former idol trainee named Yoo Hyun-jae who time travels from the 1990s to the present day. As he navigates his way through the modern world, he meets a struggling idol trainee named Lee Ji-hoon and the two form an unlikely friendship.

As Yoo Hyun-jae tries to adjust to his new life, he also tries to figure out how to return to his own time. Along the way, he discovers secrets about his past and the people around him, leading to unexpected twists and turns in the story.

The series explores themes of friendship, love, and second chances, as Yoo Hyun-jae and Lee Ji-hoon work together to achieve their dreams and overcome obstacles in their paths.

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Play Title Artist
The Best Hit
The Sky of Youth
If You
Confessing With Song

User reviews

Kenneth Roberts

The soundtrack of The Best Hit felt disjointed and inconsistent, lacking a cohesive theme that tied the music together. It often felt like a random collection of songs rather than a well-curated selection that enhanced the viewing experience.

Carol Martin

The instrumental pieces in The Best Hit are beautifully composed and expertly used to build tension, create atmosphere, and evoke a sense of nostalgia.

Margaret Lopez

The instrumental tracks in the soundtrack create a beautiful backdrop for key scenes, enhancing the emotional impact and immersing the audience in the characters' journeys. They demonstrate the attention to detail in the show's production.

Robert Lopez

While the series touched on themes of friendship and second chances, the music failed to effectively convey the emotional depth of these moments. Many of the tracks felt generic and uninspired, missing the opportunity to elevate the storytelling and evoke a more profound emotional response from viewers.

Donna Smith

The soundtrack of The Best Hit truly captures the essence of the series, blending nostalgic tunes from the 1990s with modern sounds seamlessly. Each song perfectly complements the storyline, evoking a range of emotions and enhancing the viewer's connection to the characters and their journey.

Karen White

The energetic and catchy songs in The Best Hit's soundtrack make it impossible not to tap your feet along. They inject a sense of fun and liveliness into the series, keeping the viewers engaged and entertained.

Robert Jones

The variety of musical genres in the soundtrack of The Best Hit keeps the listening experience fresh and engaging, appealing to a wide range of tastes.

Joseph Jones

I found myself humming along to the songs from The Best Hit even after finishing the series, a testament to the lasting impact of the music on me as a viewer.

Steven Lopez

Some of the songs used in the series seemed out of place or poorly timed, disrupting the emotional flow of certain scenes. This inconsistency in music placement detracted from the overall impact of key moments and failed to create a strong connection between the audience and the characters' experiences.

Brian Wilson

The soundtrack showcases a diverse range of musical styles, from hip-hop to R&B, reflecting the characters' diverse personalities and backgrounds. It adds depth to the storytelling and enriches the overall viewing experience.

Jennifer Scott

The songs in The Best Hit are not just background music; they play a crucial role in shaping the mood of each scene and immersing viewers in the story.

Donna Jackson

The collaboration of talented artists and composers in creating The Best Hit's soundtrack is evident in the seamless integration of music with the narrative. It showcases the dedication and craftsmanship behind the show's production, enhancing its quality.

Deborah Young

Overall, The Best Hit's soundtrack is a standout element of the series, elevating the storytelling and creating a memorable viewing experience. It is a testament to the power of music in conveying emotions and enhancing the impact of a narrative.

Paul King

The Best Hit's soundtrack perfectly captures the nostalgic vibe of the 1990s with its blend of retro pop and upbeat tracks. It sets the tone for the series and enhances the viewer's experience.

Charles Anderson

The music in The Best Hit not only entertains but also serves as a storytelling device, highlighting key moments and enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Kenneth Gonzalez

The soundtrack of The Best Hit is a standout feature of the series, showcasing a blend of new tracks and classic hits that resonate with both old and new audiences.

Anthony Jackson

The emotional ballads in the soundtrack evoke deep feelings and add layers of complexity to the characters' relationships and struggles. They resonate with the audience and bring out the poignant moments in the story.

Elizabeth Young

The soundtrack of The Best Hit perfectly captures the nostalgic essence of the 1990s, transporting me back in time with its catchy tunes and retro vibes.

Donna Allen

The soundtrack's lyrics are poignant and meaningful, resonating with the themes of friendship, love, and second chances explored in the series. They provide insight into the characters' inner thoughts and motivations, deepening the audience's connection to the story.

Thomas Moore

The music not only sets the mood for each scene but also serves as a character in itself, deepening the narrative and adding layers of depth to the overall viewing experience. The songs are memorable, catchy, and expertly chosen, making them a standout element of the show that elevates it to a whole new level of enjoyment.

Susan Adams

The vocals in the soundtrack are top-notch, conveying the characters' emotions and adding an extra layer of depth to their development throughout the series.

Brian Miller

Overall, the soundtrack of The Best Hit is a must-listen for any music lover, offering a diverse and well-curated selection of songs that elevate the viewing experience of the series.

Nancy Miller

The emotional depth of the music in the series enhances the storytelling, making the characters' struggles and triumphs even more impactful.