The Best Hit is a South Korean television series that follows the story of a former idol trainee named Yoo Hyun-jae who time travels from the 1990s to the present day. As he navigates his way through the modern world, he meets a struggling idol trainee named Lee Ji-hoon and the two form an unlikely friendship.
As Yoo Hyun-jae tries to adjust to his new life, he also tries to figure out how to return to his own time. Along the way, he discovers secrets about his past and the people around him, leading to unexpected twists and turns in the story.
The series explores themes of friendship, love, and second chances, as Yoo Hyun-jae and Lee Ji-hoon work together to achieve their dreams and overcome obstacles in their paths.
Play | Title | Artist |
The Best Hit
The Sky of Youth
If You
Confessing With Song