The Blacklist: Redemption Soundtrack (

The Blacklist: Redemption Soundtrack (2017) cover

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Rating: 7.10/10 from 7100 votes
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The Blacklist: Redemption

Title in Italiano:

The Blacklist: Redemption

Title in Português:

The Blacklist: Redemption


The Blacklist: Redemption is a spin-off series of the popular show The Blacklist. The show follows Tom Keen, a character from the original series, as he joins forces with Susan "Scottie" Hargrave, the head of a covert mercenary organization called Halcyon Aegis.

The Blacklist: Redemption focuses on Tom and Scottie as they take on dangerous missions and navigate the murky world of espionage and international intrigue. Along the way, they uncover dark secrets and face off against powerful enemies.

As Tom and Scottie work together, they also grapple with their complicated pasts and the mysteries surrounding their own identities. The show delves into themes of betrayal, redemption, and the blurred lines between good and evil.

With its high-stakes action and complex characters, The Blacklist: Redemption offers a thrilling and suspenseful look at the shadowy world of espionage and espionage. Fans of The Blacklist will enjoy this spin-off series as it expands on the original show's universe and introduces new twists and turns.

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The Blacklist: Redemption

User reviews

James Nelson

The emotional depth conveyed through the music enhances the audience's connection to the characters, making their journeys feel more compelling and relatable.

William Perez

The diverse range of musical styles and compositions in the soundtrack reflects the complexity of the characters and the intricate plotlines in the series.

George Davis

Andrew Martinez

The use of music to underscore key moments in the show, such as betrayals and revelations, elevates the impact of these scenes and leaves a lasting impression on the viewer.

Michael Mitchell

I found the choice of tracks in the series to be repetitive and predictable, failing to create a unique atmosphere or add layers to the narrative. The lack of memorable melodies or standout pieces made the soundtrack forgettable and unremarkable, ultimately detracting from the overall viewing experience.

Joseph Parker

The music effectively sets the tone for each scene, whether it's a high-octane action sequence or a dramatic revelation, adding depth to the storytelling.