The Bonfire of Destiny is a French historical drama series that takes place in Paris in 1897. The story follows a devastating fire at the Bazar de la Charité, a charity event attended by high society members. The fire leads to the deaths of over 120 people, mostly women, and sparks a series of interconnected events that will change the lives of three women forever.
The series focuses on the lives of three main characters: Rose, a young woman trapped in a loveless marriage; Adrienne, a wealthy socialite who loses everything in the fire; and Alice, a poor woman who loses her family in the tragedy. As they navigate the aftermath of the fire, their paths intertwine in unexpected ways, revealing secrets, betrayals, and new beginnings.
The Bonfire of Destiny explores themes of class, gender, and power in a rapidly changing society. The series is a gripping tale of survival, resilience, and the enduring bonds of friendship in the face of tragedy.