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September 11, 2001- A day that will never be forgotten. A day when ordinary men and women would face the unbelievable, and experience what few ever dreamed or thought possible: A terrorist attack in the Heart of New York City claiming nearly three thousand lives and leaving a scene of incomprehensible destruction.---- As rescue and recovery began, even the most devout men and women would question their faith and ask themselves, "Where is God in all this?"---- Yet in the midst of the devastation, an amazing discovery would bring hope when it was needed most. Two days after the towers fell, a cavern was found underneath world trade tower six, and inside, four perfectly formed crosses of steel stood amidst the wreckage. Some called it a mere phenomenon, but other saw it as miraculous. The media noted its' appearance and newspaper and television reporters south to see it for themselves. As weeks turned into months, the location known as "God's House" became a sanctuary in the midst of sorrow, and the cross -- a dynamic symbol of hope.---- Follow the lives of seven individuals whose lives were changed forever -- not only by the horrific day of September 11, but by the stunning symbol of hope they found in a cross of steel, buried beneath the twin towers.---- Now you can see and hear the human story of Hope in the midst of devastation -- a story that has never been told.----