The Dark Red is a horror film that follows the story of a young woman named Sybil who is convinced that her newborn baby was stolen by a cult. As she struggles to prove the truth of her claims, she is committed to a psychiatric hospital where she meets a psychiatrist named Dr. Deluce.
Dr. Deluce becomes intrigued by Sybil's story and begins to investigate the cult, uncovering a dark and twisted conspiracy that goes deeper than anyone could have imagined. As Sybil's sanity is called into question, she must fight to prove her innocence and protect her child from the sinister forces at play.
The Dark Red is a chilling tale of paranoia and deception, with a shocking twist that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats. Will Sybil be able to escape the clutches of the cult and reunite with her baby, or will she be consumed by the darkness that surrounds her?