The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson Soundtrack (

The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson Soundtrack (2017) cover

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Rating: 7.20/10 from 3200 votes
Tags: transgender rights
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When Stonewall Veteran and beloved Greenwich Village personality Marsha P Johnson turned up dead shortly after Gay Pride in 1992, it was the latest in a series of murders, gay bashings, and "mysterious" deaths in the local gay community.

Johnson is seen in footage at a political march shortly before this, at an action trying to draw attention to these hate crimes. Tragically, Johnson then becomes the next victim.

Like the other suspicious deaths, Johnson's death is quickly dismissed as a "suicide", even though there is no evidence that Johnson was suicidal, and significant evidence that Johnson was harassed and stalked on that very night.

Demonstrations are held to protest the lack of police investigation, but it is not until decades later that transgender crime advocate Victoria Cruz succeeds in getting some answers.

Even after decades, many contemporaries of Johnson are still afraid to discuss on the record what happened to Johnson, the murders that took place in the Village in that era, the danger that follows many of the most marginalized in the community, and the threats that some still fear.

Like the previous documentary on Marsha P Johnson, Pay it No Mind, this film relies on archival footage of the dead, letting the subjects speak for themselves.

Footage of Johnson at political actions is included, though some might not notice Johnson at first at some of these actions and memorials, dressed down in jeans and a t-shirt, or jeans and a flannel shirt, with no wig.

Stonewall veterans, AIDS activists, and early gender nonconforming and transgender activists are shown at these demonstrations, as well.

The Gay Liberation Rally, where Sylvia Rivera gives the fiery "You Listen Up!" speech is also featured, along with with other interviews with Rivera and AIDS memorials with ACT UP and Gay Men's Health Crisis.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson
Aheym for Orchestra
Kronos Quartet: Performer
Bryce Dessner: Composer
Putting on the Ritz
Murder Ballades: VII. Tears for Sister Polly
Love Don't Need a Reason
Foolish Little Girl
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
Love Don't Need a Reason
New York City Gay Men's Chorus: Performer

User reviews

Laura White

The use of music in the documentary not only sets the tone for the historical context of the events surrounding Marsha's death but also adds a layer of emotional depth to the personal stories shared by those who knew her. The soundtrack enhances the storytelling, making the audience feel connected to the struggles and triumphs of Marsha P. Johnson and her community.

Daniel Taylor

Overall, the soundtrack of The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson is a powerful and moving accompaniment to a story that deserves to be heard and remembered.

Kenneth Harris

The haunting melodies and evocative lyrics linger long after the film has ended, leaving a lasting impact on the audience.

Ashley Wright

The music choices in the documentary seemed generic and uninspired, lacking the depth and complexity needed to enhance the storytelling. Instead of enhancing the narrative, the soundtrack often felt like an afterthought, overshadowing crucial moments with inappropriate or forgettable tunes.

James Moore

The soundtrack succeeds in honoring the memory of Marsha P. Johnson and the struggles faced by the LGBTQ+ community during that era.

William Martin

The soundtrack of The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson captures the emotional depth and historical significance of the documentary.

Melissa Jones

The use of archival footage in the film is effectively accompanied by a soundtrack that adds poignancy to the narrative.

Charles Thomas

The musical choices in the film help to underscore the ongoing fight for justice and recognition for transgender individuals like Marsha P. Johnson.

Nancy Carter

The soundtrack of The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson is a powerful and haunting accompaniment to the emotional journey of uncovering the truth behind Marsha's tragic death. The music perfectly captures the sense of urgency, determination, and resilience of the LGBTQ+ community fighting for justice and recognition.

Donna Wilson

The music selection expertly conveys the sense of urgency and activism present in the documentary's subject matter.

Matthew Miller

The music enhances the storytelling by creating a somber and reflective atmosphere that complements the themes of injustice and resilience.

Michael Miller

The soundtrack evokes a sense of solidarity and remembrance for those who have been victims of violence and discrimination within the LGBTQ+ community.

Charles Thomas

The soundtrack effectively sets the tone for each scene, drawing the viewer deeper into the world of Marsha P. Johnson and the struggles of the LGBTQ+ community.

Charles Campbell

The soundtrack provides a haunting backdrop to the investigation of Marsha P. Johnson's death, enhancing the viewer's emotional connection to the story.

Daniel Jones

The lack of original music or a cohesive sound throughout the film made the viewing experience disjointed and disengaging. The soundtrack failed to create a sense of immersion or emotional connection, leaving the audience feeling detached from the powerful story being told about Marsha P. Johnson and the struggles of the LGBTQ+ community.

Karen Hall

Overall, the soundtrack of The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson is a vital component of the film, enriching the storytelling and honoring the legacy of a true LGBTQ+ icon.

Jennifer Hill

The soundtrack of The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson is a poignant and powerful accompaniment to the documentary, capturing the emotional depth of the story.

Donald Wright

The soundtrack of The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson felt disconnected and out of touch with the emotional gravity of the documentary's subject matter. It failed to capture the raw intensity and urgency of the events surrounding Marsha P. Johnson's life and death.

Donald Baker

The combination of original compositions and carefully selected songs from the era creates a cohesive and immersive sonic experience.

Deborah Clark

The use of different musical styles and genres adds layers of complexity to the narrative, mirroring the diverse experiences and emotions of the characters involved.

Elizabeth Perez

The music enhances the storytelling, creating a sense of urgency and reflection that resonates with the themes of the film.

Matthew Miller

The use of music throughout the documentary adds layers of depth and complexity to the historical events being explored.