The Devil Is a Part-Timer! is a Japanese light novel series written by Satoshi Wagahara. The story follows Sadao Maou, the Devil King who is forced to retreat to modern-day Tokyo after being defeated by the Hero Emilia. In order to survive in the human world, Sadao takes on a part-time job at a fast-food restaurant called MgRonald's.
As Sadao navigates his new life as a part-timer, he encounters a variety of challenges and obstacles. He must learn to adapt to human customs and society, all while trying to regain his powers and return to his world. Along the way, he forms unexpected friendships with his co-workers, including the hero Emilia who also finds herself stranded in Tokyo.
The Devil Is a Part-Timer! is a unique blend of comedy, fantasy, and slice-of-life elements. It explores themes of redemption, friendship, and the struggles of adapting to a new environment. The series has garnered a dedicated fanbase and has been adapted into a manga and anime series.