The Earth Is Blue as an Orange is a documentary film that follows a Ukrainian family living in the war-torn region of Donbass. The family consists of a mother, four children, and a father who is serving in the military. Despite the ongoing conflict and the constant threat of violence, the family decides to create a film together, using their own experiences and emotions as inspiration.
Through the lens of their camera, the family captures moments of beauty and resilience amidst the chaos of war. They find solace in the act of filmmaking, using it as a form of therapy and a way to cope with the trauma they have experienced. As they navigate the challenges of daily life in a war zone, the family's bond grows stronger, and they find hope in the power of storytelling.
The Earth Is Blue as an Orange is a poignant and powerful exploration of the impact of war on ordinary people, and the ways in which art can provide healing and catharsis in the face of adversity.