The End of the Golden Weather Soundtrack (

The End of the Golden Weather Soundtrack (1991) cover

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Rating: 6.10/10 from 125 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Das Ende des goldenen Sommers

Title in Italiano:

Das Ende des goldenen Sommers

Title in Português:

Das Ende des goldenen Sommers

Title in Français:

The End of the Golden Weather

Title in Deutsch:

Das Ende des goldenen Sommers


The End of the Golden Weather is a coming-of-age story set in New Zealand during the 1930s. The film follows a young boy named Geoff Crome as he navigates the complexities of growing up in a small coastal town.

Geoff spends his days exploring the beach and the surrounding countryside, soaking in the beauty of the natural world around him. He forms a close bond with a local fisherman named Jim, who becomes a mentor figure to him.

As Geoff grapples with the challenges of adolescence, he also learns about the harsh realities of life. He witnesses the effects of the Great Depression on his community and experiences personal loss.

Through it all, Geoff remains resilient and hopeful, finding solace in the simple pleasures of everyday life. The End of the Golden Weather is a poignant and nostalgic tale that captures the innocence and wonder of youth.

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The End of the Golden Weather

User reviews

Daniel Harris

Each track in the soundtrack is masterfully composed to reflect the emotional journey of the main character, Geoff Crome. From moments of joy and discovery to moments of sorrow and reflection, the music enhances every scene and draws you deeper into Geoff's coming-of-age story.

Richard Rodriguez

The music's ability to evoke a sense of nostalgia and innocence perfectly complements the film's themes of youth, resilience, and the bittersweet passage of time.

Nancy Martin

The bond between Geoff and Jim is beautifully underscored by the music, adding a sense of warmth and authenticity to their relationship that resonated with me.

Jennifer Phillips

The use of traditional instruments and melodies in the soundtrack adds an authentic touch to the film, enhancing the storytelling and immersing the audience in the small coastal town where Geoff's adventures unfold. The music truly elevates the viewing experience and leaves a lasting impact on the audience.

Kenneth Davis

I appreciate how the soundtrack reflects Geoff's connection to nature and the coastal town, with its melodic themes mirroring the beauty and tranquility of the natural world around him.

Michelle Smith

The soundtrack of The End of the Golden Weather perfectly captures the essence of the film's setting in 1930s New Zealand. The music transports you to a bygone era, evoking a sense of nostalgia and wonder.

Daniel Wilson

The music perfectly complements Geoff's coming-of-age journey, enhancing the emotional depth of his experiences and adding a layer of richness to the storytelling.

Donna Hernandez

The soundtrack of The End of the Golden Weather beautifully captures the essence of the film's setting in 1930s New Zealand. The music evokes a sense of nostalgia and innocence, perfectly complementing Geoff's coming-of-age journey through the small coastal town. The melodic tunes transport the audience to a simpler time, enhancing the emotional depth of the story.

Anthony Carter

The soundtrack effectively conveys the emotional complexity of Geoff's adolescence, capturing both the joys and sorrows of growing up in a small community during a challenging time in history.

Paul Perez

The score failed to evoke the setting of 1930s New Zealand and the struggles faced by the characters during the Great Depression. I felt that the music did not effectively convey the sense of nostalgia and innocence that the film aimed to portray, missing an opportunity to deepen the audience's emotional connection to the story.

Donald Evans

Overall, the soundtrack of The End of the Golden Weather is a standout element of the film, enhancing the viewing experience and leaving a lasting impression with its heartfelt and memorable compositions.

Kenneth Scott

On the other hand, while the soundtrack effectively sets the tone for the film, some tracks may feel repetitive and lack diversity in terms of musical motifs. A more varied selection of compositions could have added depth to the emotional range of the storyline, enhancing the overall viewing experience for the audience.

Thomas Garcia

The soundtrack of The End of the Golden Weather did not effectively capture the emotional depth and complexity of the coming-of-age story. I found the music to be generic and uninspired, lacking the nuance needed to enhance the narrative.

Lisa Taylor

The soundtrack of The End of the Golden Weather beautifully captures the essence of the film's setting in 1930s New Zealand, transporting me to a different time and place with its evocative melodies.