The Far Side of Jericho Soundtrack (

The Far Side of Jericho Soundtrack (2006) cover

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Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

The Far Side of Jericho

Title in Italiano:

The Far Side of Jericho

Title in Português:

The Far Side of Jericho


Jericho. In the 1880's. Three women of the wild West, widows of an outlawed gang of brothers recently hanged, find themselves running for their lives from a corrupt posse of vigilantes, mystical Indians and a hornet's nest of villains - all are convinced that our mismatched widows hold the key to the whereabouts of their husbands' missing bank loot and a mysterious treasure. Along the way, the women must find the courage to trust, care and kill for one another, blazing the trail to their destiny. A destiny buried on The Far Side of Jericho.

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Play Title Artist
The Far Side of Jericho
Patrick Bergin: Performer