Barbarosa Soundtrack (

Barbarosa Soundtrack (1982) cover

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Rating: 6.40/10 from 2000 votes
Tags: falling off of cliff, falling off a cliff
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Title in Français:

La Vengeance mexicaine

Title in Türk:

La Vengeance mexicaine


One great legend portrays another in this critically acclaimed, highly original Western.

Willie Nelson is Barbarosa, a notorious outlaw whose name is both feared and hated by residents of a Mexican village. He is married to Josephina (Isela Vega), but her father, Don Braulio (Gilbert Roland), despises him-so much, in fact, that he has given his sons the mission of killing Barbarosa. Undaunted, Barbarosa creeps into the village by night to see his wife; by day he outruns and outwits his would-be assassins.

When Barbarosa meets Karl (Gary Busey), a naive farmhand also on the run for an accidental killing, he decides to teach him the tricks of his trade.

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User reviews

James Miller

I appreciated how the music seamlessly transitioned between scenes, helping to maintain the pacing of the narrative and keeping me engaged throughout.

Emily Scott

The music in Barbarosa effectively sets the mood for each scene, whether it's a tense standoff or a heartfelt moment between characters.

Joshua Lewis

The haunting vocals and evocative instrumentals in the soundtrack of Barbarosa effortlessly evoke a sense of adventure, danger, and camaraderie, adding an extra layer of authenticity to the film's portrayal of life in the rugged landscapes of the Old West.

Susan Smith

Furthermore, the music choices in Barbarosa often felt out of place and disconnected from the narrative, creating a jarring and distracting viewing experience. The lack of cohesion between the soundtrack and the on-screen action detracted from the overall immersion in the story, making it difficult to fully engage with the characters and their journey.

Patricia Mitchell

I found the use of traditional Mexican instruments in the music to be a refreshing and authentic touch that added depth to the overall listening experience.

Joseph Adams

The soundtrack of Barbarosa perfectly captures the atmosphere of the Wild West with its twangy guitars and haunting melodies.

Steven Davis

The music in Barbarosa enhances the emotional depth of the story, creating a powerful connection with the characters and their struggles. Each note seems to resonate with the inner turmoil and resilience of Barbarosa and Karl, making their journey even more captivating.

Susan Allen

The musical score of Barbarosa seamlessly blends with the visuals, creating a cohesive and harmonious audiovisual experience that draws the audience deeper into the narrative.

Paul Wright

Overall, the soundtrack of Barbarosa is a standout feature of the film, enriching the storytelling and immersing the audience in the world of the movie.

Melissa Lewis

The theme music for Barbarosa himself is powerful and evocative, reflecting the character's complex nature as both an outlaw and a lover.

Thomas Moore

The use of traditional Mexican instruments in the soundtrack adds a unique and immersive layer to the storytelling, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Daniel Young

I found myself humming the main theme long after the movie ended, a testament to the memorable and impactful nature of the soundtrack.

Sarah Scott

The soundtrack of Barbarosa failed to capture the essence of the Wild West, lacking the epic and sweeping melodies that are typically associated with the genre. It felt uninspired and generic, missing the opportunity to enhance the storytelling and emotional impact of the film.

Robert Carter

The score effectively enhances the tense and suspenseful moments in the film, creating a sense of anticipation and excitement.

Sarah Davis

The soundtrack of Barbarosa perfectly captures the essence of the Wild West with its rustic and melancholic melodies that transport you to the dusty plains and rugged mountains of the frontier.

Joshua White

Overall, the soundtrack of Barbarosa is a standout element of the film, showcasing the talent and creativity of the composers involved in bringing the story to life through music.

Nancy Thomas

The soundtrack of Barbarosa perfectly captures the essence of the Wild West with its authentic and evocative musical arrangements.