The Flesh is a gripping psychological thriller that follows the story of a young woman named Sarah who is haunted by her past. After witnessing a brutal murder as a child, Sarah struggles to come to terms with the trauma and finds herself trapped in a cycle of fear and paranoia.
As Sarah delves deeper into her memories, she begins to uncover dark secrets that threaten to unravel her sanity. With the help of a therapist, Sarah must confront her demons and find a way to break free from the grip of her past.
The Flesh is a chilling tale of survival and redemption, exploring the depths of the human psyche and the power of resilience in the face of unimaginable horrors.
Play | Title | Artist |
The Flesh
We Didn't See A Thing
Ray Charles:
Summer on a Solitary Beach
Bella Gitana
No se lo digas a nadie
This Woman's Work
Tell Me Where It Hurts
Keep on Running
Sucker DJ
Dimples D.: