Three years after the events of The Godfather, Michael Coreleone moved his family to Las Vegas, leaving Don Trapani as his proxy in New York. Michael ultimately intends to go legit, passing the torch of criminal enterprises from him to Trapani and allowing his trusted kingpin mechanisms to form his own families, if they so choose. When Trapani is murdered, his main enforcer, Dominic, steps in to take his place. Backed by a capable team of henchmen, Dominic is tasked with defending and expanding Corleone's interests in New York, Miami, and Havana. However, Michael's plans for legitimacy and Dominic's greater ambitions are threatened by a bloody turf war with the Rosato brothers, a Senate investigation into organized crime, the betrayal of business partner Hyman Roth, and Fidel Castro's revolution in Cuba.
Play | Title | Artist |
The Godfather II
The Godfather Waltz
Nina Rota:
Love Theme
Nina Rota:
It's a Man's, Man's, Man's World
Ain't that a Kick in the Head
Rumble - Cuba Track #6
John Scott:
Hard Swing Out
John Scott:
The Fuzz
Duncan Lamont: