The Helpful Fox Senko-san is a heartwarming anime series that follows the story of Kuroto Nakano, a hardworking salaryman who is constantly stressed and exhausted from his demanding job. One day, he encounters a mysterious fox girl named Senko, who claims to be a 800-year-old deity sent to help him relax and unwind.
Senko takes on the role of a caring housewife, cooking delicious meals and pampering Kuroto with her magical powers. She uses her abilities to create a peaceful and comforting environment for him, helping him forget about his troubles and find happiness in the simple pleasures of life.
As Kuroto spends more time with Senko, he begins to open up to her and appreciate her presence in his life. Through their interactions, he learns valuable lessons about self-care, gratitude, and the importance of taking breaks to recharge and rejuvenate.
The Helpful Fox Senko-san is a charming and uplifting series that explores themes of friendship, healing, and the power of kindness. It reminds viewers to prioritize their well-being and seek joy in the little moments that make life worth living.
Play | Title | Artist |
The Helpful Fox Senko-san
Koyoi mofumofu!!
Azumi Waki:
Moffu Moffu de Yoinoja yo
Azumi Waki: