The High Crusade Soundtrack (

The High Crusade Soundtrack (1994) cover

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Rating: 5.20/10 from 555 votes
Tags: monty pythonesque
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

The High Crusade

Title in Italiano:

The High Crusade

Title in Português:

A Grande Cruzada


Roland Emmerich (Stargate, Independence Day, and Godzilla) brings you John Rhys-Davies in a Monty Pythonesque tale of a band of Crusaders who find themselves in possession of an Alien ship and the Alien to pilot it. Armed with the means to conquer the Holy Land, the naive Crusaders set off on a grand crusade, only to find themselves not in Jerusalem, but at the mercy of an entire alien world....heaven help the Aliens.

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The High Crusade