The Hunted Soundtrack (

The Hunted Soundtrack (2003) cover

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Rating: 6.10/10 from 51000 votes
Tags: body count
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

The Hunted (La presa)

Title in Italiano:

The Hunted - La preda

Title in Português:

O Batedor

Title in Français:


Title in Türk:


Title in Deutsch:

Die Stunde des Jägers


In the green woods of Silver Falls, Oregon, Aaron Hallam, a trained assassin AWOL from the Special Forces, keeps his own brand of wildlife vigil. After Hallam brutally slew four deer hunters in the area, FBI Special Agent Abby Durrell turns to L.T. Bonham-- the one man who may be able to stop him.

At first L.T. resists the mission. Snug in retirement, he's closed off to his past, the years he spent in the Special Forces training soldiers to become skilled killers. But when he realizes that these recent slaying is the work of a man he trained, he feels obligated to stop him. Accepting the assignment under the condition that he works alone, L.T. enters the woods, unarmed--plagued by memories of his best student and riddled with guilt for not responding to Aaron's tortured letters to him as he began to slip over the edge of sanity.

Furious as he is with his former mentor for ignoring his pleas for help, Aaron knows that he and L.T. share a tragic bond that is unbreakable. And, even as they go into their final combat against each other, neither can say with certainty who is the hunted and who is the hunter.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
The Hunted
Highway 61 Revisited
Johnny Cash: Performer
The Man Comes Around
Johnny Cash: Writer
Asymmetric Rhythm
Brian Tyler: Performer
Disordered Patterns
Brian Tyler: Performer
Winter Shift
Brian Tyler: Performer
Brian Tyler: Performer
Tracking Hallam
Brian Tyler: Performer
A Transitory Sonnet
Brian Tyler: Performer
Brian Tyler: Performer
Brian Tyler: Performer
Coda Con Furiosa
Brian Tyler: Performer
The Reluctant Mentor
Brian Tyler: Performer
Brian Tyler: Performer
Vapor Wall
Brian Tyler: Performer
Over the Falls
Brian Tyler: Performer
Brian Tyler: Performer
A Vision of War
Brian Tyler: Performer
Mirror Image
Brian Tyler: Performer
"The Man Comes Around" - Johnny Cash
Brian Tyler: Performer
Peaches (The Stranglers)
Roque Baños: Performer
Lujon ( Henry Mancini)
Roque Baños: Performer
Cocaine and Camcorders (Original Version) (UNKLE with South)
Roque Baños: Performer
Cocaine and Camcorders (UNKLE version) (UNKLE with South)
Roque Baños: Performer
Logan's Runs (UNKLE with South)
Roque Baños: Performer
Psychosis (UNKLE with South)
Roque Baños: Performer
Paranoid (UNKLE version) (UNKLE with South)
Roque Baños: Performer
Suicide (UNKLE with South)
Roque Baños: Performer
Daddy Rollin' Stone (Derek Martin)
Roque Baños: Performer
Gal & Dedee (Roque Banos)
Roque Baños: Performer
Teddy the Beast (Roque Banos)
Roque Baños: Performer
Party at the Restaurant (Roque Banos)
Roque Baños: Performer
Sway (Dean Martin)
Roque Baños: Performer

User reviews

Melissa Hernandez

On the other hand, some tracks in the soundtrack of The Hunted feel repetitive and uninspired, failing to elevate the emotional depth of the characters' struggles. The lack of variation in certain compositions makes it difficult for the audience to fully connect with the inner turmoil and conflict experienced by Aaron and L.T. throughout the film.

Robert Martinez

The haunting melodies and tense rhythms create a sense of unease and anticipation, keeping me on the edge of my seat throughout the movie.

Elizabeth Green

The Hunted's soundtrack felt uninspired and generic, lacking any memorable melodies or themes that would enhance the viewing experience.

James Rodriguez

Overall, the music in The Hunted enhances the viewing experience and elevates the emotional impact of the story.

Emily Garcia

The haunting melodies in the soundtrack create a sense of unease, perfectly setting the tone for the psychological struggle between the characters.

Linda Brown

The soundtrack of The Hunted effectively captures the tension and suspense of the cat-and-mouse chase between Aaron Hallam and L.T. Bonham.

Andrew Scott

The Hunted's soundtrack perfectly captures the intensity and suspense of the film, enhancing every moment with its powerful and atmospheric compositions.

Melissa Lopez

The emotional depth and complexity of the music mirror the conflicting feelings of the characters, adding an extra layer of depth to the story and making the viewing experience truly unforgettable.

Joshua Rodriguez

The overall composition of the soundtrack seemed disjointed and out of place, failing to complement the intense and gritty atmosphere of the movie.

Richard Scott

The soundtrack of The Hunted perfectly captures the tension and intensity of the film's cat-and-mouse chase between Aaron Hallam and L.T. Bonham. The use of percussion and strings creates a sense of unease and anticipation, adding to the suspenseful atmosphere of the story.

Michael Young

The use of percussion in the soundtrack intensifies the action sequences, adding a sense of urgency to the scenes.

Elizabeth Robinson

The music failed to effectively build tension or create a sense of suspense during key moments of the film, leaving the audience feeling disconnected from the action on screen.

Dorothy Nelson

The soundtrack seamlessly blends traditional instruments with modern electronic elements, giving it a unique and memorable sound.