The Indian Runner Soundtrack (

The Indian Runner Soundtrack (1991) cover

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Rating: 7.00/10 from 9800 votes
Tags: rhyming, flyswatter
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Extraño vínculo de sangre

Title in Italiano:

Lupo solitario

Title in Português:

União de Sangue

Title in Français:

The Indian Runner

Title in Türk:

The Indian Runner


The Indian Runner is an intensely sad film about two brothers who cannot overcome their opposite perceptions of life. One brother sees and feels bad in everyone and everything, subsequently he is violent, antisocial and unable to appreciate or enjoy the good things which his brother desperately tries to point out to him.

Frank understands the atrocities of life as a big picture; Joe does not. Joe is content to enjoy smaller pleasures: children, family, routine. Joe mistakenly believes he can straighten his little brother out and convince him that life is good.

Frank is a cursed man. He is cut between his love for his brother and his repulsion at self-indulgent contentment. The result is a painful story of heartbreak, heartache, disappointment, despair, and the tragic side of love.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
The Indian Runner
Marty Balin: Writer
Jefferson Airplane: Performer
George Gershwin: Writer
Janis Joplin: Performer
Bob Dylan: Writer
The Band: Performer
Eric Haller: Performer
Eric Haller: Writer
Eric Haller: Performer
Eric Haller: Writer
Feeling Alright
Dave Mason: Writer
Traffic: Performer
Cold Day In Omaha
Jack Nitzsche: Performer
Flop House
Jack Nitzsche: Performer
Goin' To Columbus
Jack Nitzsche: Performer
Jack Nitzsche: Performer
"Bye Mommy"
Jack Nitzsche: Performer
The Indian Runner
Jack Nitzsche: Performer
Bad News
Jack Nitzsche: Performer
Criminal Blood
Jack Nitzsche: Performer
My Brother Frank
Jack Nitzsche: Performer
Feelin' Alright
Jack Nitzsche: Performer
Comin' Back To Me
Jack Nitzsche: Performer
Goin' To Columbus
Jack Nitzsche: Performer

User reviews

Sarah Phillips

The emotional depth of the soundtrack in The Indian Runner is truly remarkable. The music enhances the storytelling and elevates the impact of the characters' experiences, making the audience feel deeply connected to their struggles and emotions.

Ronald Nelson

The use of instrumentation in the soundtrack is impressive, creating a sense of tension and unease that mirrors the conflicted relationships between the characters. The music adds a haunting quality to the film that stays with the viewer long after the movie ends.

Matthew Lopez

The musical score effectively conveys the raw emotions of the characters, especially the inner turmoil and conflict experienced by the brothers.

Mark Scott

The haunting melodies in the soundtrack evoke a sense of tragedy and despair, reflecting the inner turmoil of the characters and the struggles they face in the story. The music effectively conveys the themes of heartbreak and disappointment portrayed in the film.

Michael Allen

The Indian Runner's soundtrack perfectly captures the emotional depth and complexity of the film's storyline, enhancing the viewer's experience.

James Davis

The music in The Indian Runner effectively underscores the contrast between the brothers' perspectives on life, adding depth to their relationship and struggles.

Jennifer Garcia

Overall, the soundtrack of The Indian Runner is a powerful and moving accompaniment to the film. It enhances the narrative, provides emotional depth, and immerses the audience in the tragic world of the characters.

Joseph Parker

The soundtrack seamlessly integrates with the narrative, creating a powerful synergy that intensifies the impact of key scenes.

Mark Nelson

Overall, The Indian Runner's soundtrack is a masterful complement to the film's poignant storytelling, elevating the viewing experience to a profound and emotional level.

Brian Rodriguez

The haunting melodies and evocative compositions in the film's score linger long after the movie ends, leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

Mary Lopez

The musical composition in The Indian Runner is a masterful blend of melancholy and beauty. The score effectively conveys the inner turmoil and conflict faced by the characters, adding layers of depth to their struggles and emotions. The use of instrumental arrangements and emotive themes creates a profound connection with the audience, immersing them in the poignant journey of love, loss, and redemption depicted in the film.

Donna Harris

The Indian Runner's soundtrack beautifully captures the emotional depth and complexity of the film's storyline. The haunting melodies and raw, evocative tones perfectly mirror the intense sadness and despair experienced by the characters. Each track enhances the storytelling, drawing the audience deeper into the world of the two brothers and their tumultuous relationship.

Joseph Gonzalez

The use of music in The Indian Runner adds a layer of poignancy and melancholy that resonates with the film's themes of heartbreak and despair.

William Lee

The soundtrack of The Indian Runner perfectly captures the melancholy and emotional depth of the film. The music enhances the somber atmosphere and adds layers of complexity to the characters' emotions.