The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs Soundtrack (

The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs Soundtrack (2018) cover

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Rating: 9.50/10 from 1800 votes
Tags: horror genre, horror fiction


The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs is a horror movie marathon hosted by the iconic horror host Joe Bob Briggs. The show features Briggs providing commentary and trivia about the films being shown, as well as interviewing special guests from the horror industry.

Each episode of The Last Drive-In typically features two horror movies, with Briggs offering his unique insights and humor throughout. The show has gained a cult following for its blend of entertainment and education about the horror genre.

Briggs' witty and irreverent style has made him a beloved figure in the horror community, and The Last Drive-In has become a must-watch for fans of the genre. Whether you're a seasoned horror aficionado or a casual viewer, The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs is sure to entertain and inform.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs
Joe Bob is Back in Town (Theme from 'The Last Drive-In' with Joe Bob Briggs)
Joe Bob is Back in Town (Acoustic Version)
John Patrick Brennan: Writer
Levi White: Performer
Nobody Sees the Flowers but Me
Jaime Mendoza-Nava: Performer
Earl E. Smith: Lyrics
John Bloom: Performer
The Drive-In Oath

User reviews

George Carter

The diverse range of music genres featured in the soundtrack adds depth and variety to each episode, catering to different tastes within the horror community and keeping the audience engaged.

Andrew Thompson

The music choices in the show reflect a deep understanding of the horror genre, with nods to classic soundtracks and themes that pay homage to the genre's rich history.

Donald Turner

The haunting melodies and eerie soundscapes in the soundtrack set the mood for each film featured on the show, setting the stage for a memorable viewing experience.

Edward Johnson

Overall, the music in The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs contributes significantly to the show's charm and appeal, creating a memorable and enjoyable experience for horror fans of all backgrounds.

Thomas Gonzalez

The soundtrack of The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs perfectly sets the mood for a horror movie marathon, enhancing the viewing experience with its eerie and suspenseful tunes.

Michael Hernandez

The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs' soundtrack perfectly complements the horror movie marathon experience by setting the mood and enhancing the suspense. The music selection is diverse and skillfully curated to create an immersive atmosphere that keeps viewers engaged throughout the show.

Robert Roberts

I appreciate how the soundtrack of The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs incorporates both classic horror themes and modern compositions, adding depth and variety to the viewing experience. The use of music in the show enhances the storytelling and underscores the emotional impact of the films being discussed, making it a truly memorable and enjoyable experience for any horror fan.

Carol Green

The soundtrack of The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs perfectly captures the essence of horror, adding an extra layer of suspense to the viewing experience.

Kenneth Carter

The soundtrack of The Last Drive-In showcases a deep appreciation for the art of film scoring, with each track carefully selected to enhance the emotional impact of the movies being discussed.

Emily Johnson

The soundtrack of the show showcases a deep appreciation for the horror genre, with carefully curated tracks that pay homage to classic horror soundscapes while also introducing new and refreshing compositions to the mix.

Melissa Taylor

The use of music in The Last Drive-In demonstrates a keen attention to detail, with each track contributing to the narrative flow of the episodes and enhancing the storytelling.

Linda Lopez

The band sonora of The Last Drive-In complements Joe Bob Briggs' commentary, creating a seamless blend of audiovisual storytelling that keeps audiences engaged.

John Anderson

Overall, the band sonora of The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs is a masterful blend of atmosphere, emotion, and storytelling that adds an extra dimension to the show's already engaging content.

Stephanie Garcia

The musical cues in The Last Drive-In effectively build tension and suspense during key moments in the films, heightening the overall impact of the viewing experience and adding to the excitement of the show.

Patricia Gonzalez

The diverse range of musical styles featured in the band sonora adds depth and variety to the show, catering to a wide audience of horror fans with different tastes.

Paul Allen

The music selection in the show complements Joe Bob Briggs' commentary and trivia seamlessly, creating a cohesive and immersive atmosphere for viewers to enjoy.

Thomas Thomas

The band sonora of The Last Drive-In is a character in itself, adding a dynamic element to the show that elevates the overall viewing experience.

Margaret Lewis

The music selection enhances the nostalgic feel of the show, taking viewers on a journey through the history of horror cinema with its carefully curated tracks.