The Last Riders Soundtrack (

The Last Riders Soundtrack (1992) cover

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Rating: 4.70/10 from 189 votes
Tags: bikersploitation
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Hermandad de la muerte

Title in Italiano:

L'ultimo guerriero

Title in Português:

The Last Riders


The Last Riders is a thrilling novel set in a post-apocalyptic world where a group of survivors must navigate dangerous terrain and fight off hostile forces in order to reach a rumored safe haven. The story follows a band of outlaw bikers known as The Last Riders, who are determined to make it to the fabled city of New Eden where they believe they can start anew.

As they journey through the desolate wasteland, the Last Riders encounter numerous challenges and obstacles, including rival gangs, mutated creatures, and treacherous terrain. Along the way, they must rely on their skills, wits, and loyalty to survive and reach their destination.

But as tensions rise within the group and betrayals threaten to tear them apart, the Last Riders must confront their own demons and make difficult choices that will determine their fate. Will they be able to overcome the odds and find salvation in New Eden, or will they succumb to the dangers of the world they now inhabit?

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
The Last Riders
Dark Red Sun
Lisa McCormick: Writer
Walking to the Beat of a Drum
Lisa McCormick: Writer

User reviews

David Young

Overall, the soundtrack of The Last Riders enhances the reading experience of the novel by evoking a wide range of emotions and enhancing the themes of survival, camaraderie, and hope in a world on the brink of collapse.

Kenneth Jackson

The seamless integration of different musical styles, from gritty rock riffs to haunting choral arrangements, adds variety and depth to the overall listening experience of The Last Riders soundtrack.

Daniel Thompson

I found the musical choices in The Last Riders to be jarring and out of place at times, disrupting the immersion in the post-apocalyptic world rather than complementing it. The abrupt shifts in tone and style made it difficult to fully engage with the narrative, as the soundtrack failed to establish a cohesive atmosphere throughout the story.

Steven Phillips

The haunting vocals and eerie sound effects in certain tracks create a sense of foreboding and danger, keeping the listener on edge as they follow the Last Riders on their perilous quest.

Linda Jones

Overall, the soundtrack of The Last Riders is a powerful and evocative accompaniment to the gripping narrative, enhancing the emotional impact of the story and drawing the listener deeper into the world of the novel.

Sarah Phillips

The soundtrack of The Last Riders perfectly captures the post-apocalyptic atmosphere of the novel, with its dark and intense melodies setting the tone for the dangerous journey ahead.

Andrew Anderson

The diversity of musical styles in the soundtrack, from hard rock to ambient electronic, reflects the diverse challenges faced by the characters in the novel, adding depth and complexity to the overall listening experience.

Nancy Moore

The haunting melodies in The Last Riders soundtrack perfectly capture the sense of desolation and danger in the post-apocalyptic world depicted in the novel.

Melissa Adams

The music in The Last Riders effectively conveys the emotional depth of the characters, making their struggles and triumphs feel even more impactful and relatable.

John Wright

The composition of the soundtrack for The Last Riders is truly impressive, with a diverse range of musical styles that reflect the different challenges and obstacles faced by the Last Riders on their journey to New Eden. From adrenaline-pumping tracks during action-packed scenes to melancholic melodies that convey the characters' inner struggles, the music adds depth and richness to the storytelling. Overall, the soundtrack enhances the overall experience of reading the novel and brings the world of The Last Riders to life in a captivating way.

Michelle Green

The dynamic range of instruments used in the soundtrack enhances the storytelling, creating a sense of urgency during action-packed scenes and melancholy during quieter moments of reflection.

William Hall

The use of electric guitars and drums in the soundtrack adds a gritty and rebellious edge that complements the outlaw biker theme of the novel, making it feel authentic and fitting.

Emily Scott

The soundtrack of The Last Riders felt repetitive and uninspired, lacking the emotional depth and intensity needed to truly capture the post-apocalyptic theme of the novel. Many of the tracks seemed generic and failed to enhance the scenes they were meant to accompany, leaving me feeling disconnected from the story.

Ashley Roberts

The soundtrack of The Last Riders perfectly captures the intense and gritty atmosphere of the post-apocalyptic world depicted in the novel. The music is haunting and evocative, enhancing the sense of danger and suspense as the Last Riders navigate through the treacherous wasteland. Each track immerses the listener in the bleak landscape and reinforces the emotional journey of the characters.

Linda Adams

The music enhances the sense of tension and urgency in the story, immersing the listener in the harsh and unforgiving world inhabited by The Last Riders.

Mary Robinson

The use of atmospheric sounds and ambient textures in the soundtrack immerses the listener in the world of The Last Riders, painting a vivid picture of the harsh reality the characters face.

Paul Jackson

The epic orchestral arrangements in certain tracks evoke a sense of grandeur and epicness, heightening the stakes and excitement of the characters' journey towards New Eden.

Melissa Garcia

The combination of atmospheric soundscapes and energetic rhythms in the soundtrack creates a dynamic listening experience that mirrors the highs and lows of the Last Riders' journey, making it a memorable and immersive musical accompaniment to the novel.