The Loudest Voice is a gripping drama series that follows the rise and fall of Roger Ailes, the founder and former CEO of Fox News. The show delves into Ailes' controversial career and the impact he had on the media landscape.
Throughout the series, viewers are taken on a journey through Ailes' life, from his early days as a television producer to his eventual downfall due to allegations of sexual harassment. The show explores the power dynamics at play within Fox News and the lengths Ailes went to in order to maintain control.
The Loudest Voice features a stellar cast, including Russell Crowe as Roger Ailes, Naomi Watts as Gretchen Carlson, and Sienna Miller as Ailes' wife, Elizabeth. The performances are riveting and bring the complex characters to life.
Overall, The Loudest Voice is a thought-provoking and timely series that sheds light on the dark side of the media industry and the consequences of unchecked power. It is a must-watch for anyone interested in the inner workings of the news media and the individuals who shape it.