The Man Show is a comedy television show that originally aired on Comedy Central from 1999 to 2004. The show was created by Jimmy Kimmel and Adam Carolla, and it featured a variety of comedic sketches, interviews, and segments aimed at a male audience.
Each episode of The Man Show typically included segments such as "Man-O-Vations," where the hosts would offer humorous advice on how to navigate the world as a man, and "The Man Show Boy," a young boy who would perform outrageous stunts.
One of the most popular segments on The Man Show was "Girls on Trampolines," where women in bikinis would jump on trampolines while the hosts made jokes and commentary. This segment became controversial for its objectification of women.
Despite its popularity, The Man Show faced criticism for its portrayal of gender roles and its often crude humor. The show was eventually canceled in 2004 after five seasons.