The Man Without a Face Soundtrack (

The Man Without a Face Soundtrack (1993) cover

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Rating: 6.70/10 from 31000 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

El hombre sin rostro

Title in Italiano:

L'uomo senza volto

Title in Português:

Um Homem Sem Rosto


The Man Without a Face is a novel written by Isabelle Holland. It tells the story of a young boy named Chuck who is struggling with his identity and dealing with the loss of his mother.

Chuck is sent to a private school where he meets a mysterious man who wears a mask to cover his disfigured face. This man, known as Justin McLeod, becomes Chuck's tutor and mentor, helping him overcome his insecurities and fears.

As Chuck forms a bond with Justin, he learns about the man's tragic past and the reasons behind his disfigurement. Together, they navigate through the challenges of life and form a deep connection that changes Chuck's perspective on himself and the world around him.

The Man Without a Face is a heartwarming story about friendship, acceptance, and the power of human connection. It explores themes of self-discovery, overcoming obstacles, and finding strength in the face of adversity.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
The Man Without a Face
Martha Sharpe: Writer
Sandy Posey: Performer
Giacomo Puccini: Writer
Ch'ella Mi Creda
Giacomo Puccini: Performer
A Father's Legacy
James Horner: Performer
Chuck's First Lesson
James Horner: Performer
James Horner: Performer
McLeod's Secret Life
James Horner: Performer
Nightmares And Revelations
James Horner: Performer
McLeod's Last Letter
James Horner: Performer
Lost Books
James Horner: Performer
The Merchant Of Venice
James Horner: Performer
The Tutor
James Horner: Performer
No Compromise
James Horner: Performer
"Ch'ella Mi Creda"
James Horner: Performer
Lookout Point / End Credits
James Horner: Performer
The Karate Kid - I Want To Go Home
James Horner: Performer
Avatar - War
James Horner: Performer
The Boy In The Striped Pajamas - Boys Playing Airplanes
James Horner: Performer
Troy - Remember
James Horner: Performer
A Beautiful Mind - A Kaleidoscope Of Mathematics
James Horner: Performer
Deep Impact - The Wedding
James Horner: Performer
The Mask Of Zorro
James Horner: Performer
Titanic - My Heart Will Go On
James Horner: Performer
Titanic - Take Her To Sea, Mr. Murdoch
James Horner: Performer
James Horner: Performer
Apollo 13
James Horner: Performer
Braveheart - For The Love Of A Princess
James Horner: Performer
Braveheart - End Titles
James Horner: Performer
Legends Of the Fall
James Horner: Performer
Disc Time:
James Horner: Performer
Man Without A Face - Lookout Point/End Titles
James Horner: Performer
We're Back : A Dinosaur Story - A Special Story
James Horner: Performer
Patriot Games - Electronic Battlefield
James Horner: Performer
The Rocketeer - To the Rescue/End Credits
James Horner: Performer
Glory - Charging Fort Wagner
James Horner: Performer
Glory - End Credits
James Horner: Performer
James Horner: Performer
The Land Before Time
James Horner: Performer
Aliens - Prelude/Ripleys Rescue
James Horner: Performer
James Horner: Performer
Star Trek III : The Search For Spock - Bird Of Prey Decloaks
James Horner: Performer
Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan - End Titles
James Horner: Performer
Battle Beyond The Stars
James Horner: Performer
Take Her To Sea, Mr. Murdoch (from Titanic)
James Horner: Performer
Charging Fort Wagner (from Glory)
James Horner: Performer
End Credits (from Glory)
James Horner: Performer
Overture (from Star Trek II : The Wrath Of Kahn)
James Horner: Performer
The Ludlows (from Legends Of The Fall)
James Horner: Performer
End Credits (from The Land Before Time)
James Horner: Performer
A Special Visitor (from Were Back : A Dinosaur Story)
James Horner: Performer
End Credits (from Ransom)
James Horner: Performer
Russian Streets (from Red Heat)
James Horner: Performer
To The Rescue / End Title (from The Rocketeer)
James Horner: Performer
End Title (from Braveheart)
James Horner: Performer
Main Title (from Apollo 13)
James Horner: Performer
Theme (from Cocoon)
James Horner: Performer
Theme (from Battle Beyond The Stars)
James Horner: Performer
Lookout Point / End Titles (from The Man Without A Face)
James Horner: Performer
Willows Theme (from Willow)
James Horner: Performer
Deciding To Build The Field (from Field Of Dreams)
James Horner: Performer
Electronic Battlefield (from Patriot Games)
James Horner: Performer
End Title (from The Name Of The Rose)
James Horner: Performer
Theme (from Commando)
James Horner: Performer
The Wedding (from Deep Impact)
James Horner: Performer
My Heart Will Go On
James Horner: Performer

User reviews

John Gonzalez

The orchestral arrangements in the soundtrack create a sense of nostalgia and melancholy that resonates with the themes of loss and self-discovery in the film.

Ronald Turner

The use of music to underscore key moments in the film, particularly those involving Chuck and Justin's evolving relationship, adds a powerful emotional resonance that lingers with the audience long after the movie ends.

Steven Turner

The hauntingly beautiful compositions in the soundtrack create a sense of melancholy and introspection that resonates with the themes of loss, identity, and resilience explored in the novel.

Joseph Taylor

The music in The Man Without a Face felt repetitive and uninspired, failing to evoke the poignant moments and themes of the novel. It missed the opportunity to elevate the impactful scenes and instead felt like a generic background noise that did not add any significant value to the overall experience.

Jennifer Thomas

The use of recurring motifs and leitmotifs in the score helps to unify the different aspects of the story and create a cohesive musical narrative.

Amanda Miller

The music in the film effectively conveys the sense of loneliness and inner turmoil that both Chuck and Justin McLeod experience throughout the movie.

Matthew Robinson

The soundtrack's ability to evoke a wide range of emotions, from sorrow to hope, showcases the skillful composition and arrangement of the music.

Robert Wilson

Overall, the soundtrack of The Man Without a Face is a masterful blend of instrumental arrangements and lyrical motifs that not only enrich the viewing experience but also serve as a standalone piece of art that can be appreciated on its own merits.

Matthew Phillips

The soundtrack of The Man Without a Face failed to capture the emotional depth and complexity of the characters' journey. It lacked the nuance and subtlety needed to enhance the storytelling, leaving me feeling disconnected from the narrative.

Mary Martin

The soundtrack of The Man Without a Face perfectly captures the emotional depth and complexity of the story, enhancing the viewer's experience.

Thomas Scott

The music in the film beautifully conveys the journey of self-discovery and personal growth that Chuck undergoes throughout the story, adding an extra layer of depth to the character development.

Linda Phillips

Overall, the soundtrack of The Man Without a Face is a standout element of the film, elevating the storytelling and leaving a lasting impact on the audience.

Susan Nelson

The use of subtle melodies and haunting tones in the soundtrack adds an extra layer of depth to the characters' development and the overall narrative.

Karen Scott

The music in The Man Without a Face beautifully underscores the moments of connection and growth between Chuck and Justin, highlighting the transformative power of their relationship.

William Scott

The soundtrack of The Man Without a Face perfectly captures the emotional depth and complexity of the story, enhancing every scene with its poignant melodies and evocative themes.