The Mole Agent is a documentary film that follows the story of a private investigator who hires an 83-year-old man to go undercover in a nursing home. The investigator suspects that one of the residents is being abused and wants to get to the bottom of it.
The film captures the journey of the elderly man as he navigates his new role as a "mole agent" in the nursing home. He forms relationships with the residents and staff, all while trying to uncover the truth behind the suspected abuse.
The Mole Agent is a heartwarming and poignant film that sheds light on the realities of aging and the importance of human connection. It explores themes of friendship, trust, and the resilience of the human spirit.
Play | Title | Artist |
The Mole Agent
Only You (And You Alone)
Te Quiero
Ain't Gonna Miss You Anymore
Guittara de Misa