The Moth Diaries is a psychological thriller novel written by Rachel Klein. The story follows a teenage girl named Rebecca who attends an all-girls boarding school. Rebecca becomes suspicious of a new student named Ernessa, who seems to have a mysterious and dark presence.
As Rebecca's paranoia grows, she starts to believe that Ernessa is a vampire and is out to harm her and her friends. The novel explores themes of jealousy, obsession, and the blurred lines between reality and fantasy.
Throughout the story, Rebecca's mental state deteriorates as she becomes more and more obsessed with Ernessa. The tension builds as Rebecca tries to uncover the truth about Ernessa while battling her own inner demons.
The Moth Diaries is a haunting and atmospheric tale that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end.
Play | Title | Artist |
The Moth Diaries
Blow Away
Alison Sudol:
Abide With Me
Henry F. Lyte:
Fear of Heights
Hendrik Willemyns:
Why Do You Love Me
Nocturne Opus 9 No. 1
O God, Our Help In Ages Past
Isaac Watts:
The Holly and the Ivy
Oranges and Lemons
The Brothers Grimm:
Traditional arrangement adaptation of "the juniper tree, tale 47"
Lily Cole: Performer |
Fantasia in D minor K.397
The Safe
Beat Ventriloquists: