The Murder Case of Hana & Alice is a Japanese animated film that follows the story of two high school girls, Hana and Alice, who become involved in a mysterious murder case.
The film begins with Hana moving to a new town and enrolling in a new school. She quickly becomes friends with Alice, a quirky and outgoing girl who is fascinated by the idea of solving mysteries.
One day, the girls stumble upon a rumor about a murder that took place in their school years ago. Intrigued, they decide to investigate the case themselves, leading them on a thrilling and dangerous journey.
As Hana and Alice delve deeper into the mystery, they uncover dark secrets and hidden truths that put their own lives at risk. The girls must use their wits and courage to solve the murder case before it's too late.
The Murder Case of Hana & Alice is a captivating and suspenseful film that explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and the power of determination. It is a must-watch for fans of mystery and thriller genres.