The Sleepwalkers is a psychological thriller that follows the story of a young woman named Sarah who suffers from a rare sleep disorder called somnambulism. Every night, Sarah unknowingly wanders the streets of her town while asleep, putting herself in dangerous situations.
As Sarah's condition worsens, she begins to experience vivid and disturbing dreams that blur the line between reality and fantasy. Desperate for answers, Sarah seeks help from a sleep specialist who uncovers a dark secret from her past that may be the key to unlocking the mystery behind her sleepwalking episodes.
As Sarah delves deeper into her own mind, she discovers that her sleepwalking may be connected to a traumatic event that she has repressed. With the help of the sleep specialist, Sarah must confront her past and unravel the truth before it's too late.
The Sleepwalkers is a gripping tale of suspense and self-discovery that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end.