The Nest of the Turtledove Soundtrack (

The Nest of the Turtledove Soundtrack (2016) cover

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Rating: 7.30/10 from 348 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Gnizdo gorlytsi

Title in Italiano:

Gnizdo gorlytsi

Title in Português:

Gnizdo gorlytsi

Title in Français:

The Nest of the Turtledove

Title in Türk:

The Nest of the Turtledove

Title in Deutsch:

The Nest of the Turtledove


The Nest of the Turtledove

It is a story that resonates for a generation of Ukrainian women - working in a foreign land to build a better future for their family back home. However, where there may be financial rewards, the personal costs may be high. Ukrainian woman, Darynka is returning home after several years working in Italy. She left for Italy to find work to support her family in Bukovina in the central Eastern Carpathians of Ukraine.

That work involves taking care of a wealthy Italian lawyer and his elderly mother. It is a lonely existence, she is totally dependent on her employers, the elderly woman treats her with disdain and the work is round the clock. The money offers her family an opportunity to escape the otherwise grinding poverty that would have marked their lives. It funds a new house, destined to be accommodation for visitors to this part of the Carpathian Mountains, her husband is building it, however he is doing it casually and slowly.

However, while she was earning money abroad her family has slowly fallen apart. It all comes to a head upon her return. Her husband has developed a drinking problem, her daughter is in love with and pregnant to a young man who upon finding out he is to be a father goes cold on the relationship and refuses to do the 'honourable thing' and marry her. Her daughter's problems aside, Darynka has a secret of her own. She is also pregnant. The father is her Italian employer, the lawyer.

What is she going to do now? How can she tell her husband? Darynka's problems are only going to get worse and they spiral to unimaginable tragedies. There is however, some light at the end of the tunnel...

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
The Nest of the Turtledove
Stefano Lentini: Performer
The Nest of the Turtledove
Stefano Lentini: Performer
Stefano Lentini: Performer
Stefano Lentini: Performer
The Golden Track
Stefano Lentini: Performer
Stefano Lentini: Performer

User reviews

Thomas Wright

The soundtrack's subtle nuances mirror the complexities of Darynka's relationships with her employers, husband, and daughter, enhancing the storytelling.

Linda Mitchell

The emotional depth of the music enhances the audience's connection to Darynka's character, making her journey even more compelling and relatable.

Paul Moore

The haunting melodies and melancholic tones in certain tracks evoke a sense of foreboding and impending tragedy, foreshadowing the challenges and hardships that Darynka will have to endure upon her return home. The music sets the tone for the unfolding drama in a powerful and evocative way.

Jennifer Lewis

The haunting melodies in the soundtrack evoke the struggles and sacrifices Darynka makes for her family, creating a poignant atmosphere.

Emily Scott

Overall, the soundtrack of The Nest of the Turtledove enhances the storytelling and emotional impact of the film, effectively capturing the essence of the characters and their journey. It is a powerful and evocative musical accompaniment that enriches the viewing experience and leaves a lasting impression on the audience.

Deborah Moore

I found the band sound of The Nest of the Turtledove to be lacking emotional depth and connection to the storyline. The music did not effectively convey the intense struggles and conflicts faced by the characters, making it difficult for me to fully immerse myself in the narrative.

Daniel Lewis

The instrumental compositions in the soundtrack are particularly moving, conveying a depth of emotion and storytelling that enhances the viewer's connection to Darynka's character and her struggles. The music becomes a character in itself, shaping the narrative and eliciting empathy from the audience.

Ashley Harris

The soundtrack of The Nest of the Turtledove truly captures the emotional journey of Darynka, a Ukrainian woman working in Italy to support her family back home. The music effectively conveys the feelings of loneliness and isolation she experiences while caring for her employers.

Patricia Mitchell

The use of traditional Ukrainian instruments in the music adds authenticity and cultural richness to the film's setting and characters.

Mary Mitchell

The music's poignant themes of love, betrayal, and resilience resonate with the film's themes, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Mark Anderson

The use of vocals in certain tracks adds a layer of emotional depth to the soundtrack, capturing the pain, longing, and resilience of the characters in the film. The voices resonate with raw emotion, conveying the inner turmoil and struggles of Darynka and her family in a poignant and powerful way.

Thomas Moore

The music effectively conveys the loneliness and isolation Darynka feels while caring for her employers, adding depth to the storyline.

Lisa Lewis

The use of traditional Ukrainian music in the soundtrack adds a layer of authenticity to the story, highlighting Darynka's cultural background and the struggles she faces in a foreign land. It helps to create a sense of place and belonging for the character.

Linda Parker

The soundtrack effectively builds tension and suspense as Darynka's secrets unravel, keeping viewers engaged and invested in the unfolding drama.

Margaret Baker

The contrast between the more somber tracks and the moments of hope and resilience in the soundtrack mirrors the emotional rollercoaster that Darynka goes through in the film. It effectively conveys the complexity of her situation and the internal conflicts she grapples with.

Melissa Campbell

Furthermore, I was disappointed by the repetitive nature of the soundtrack, with certain themes and motifs being overused throughout the film. This repetition detracted from the overall viewing experience and failed to enhance the storytelling, leaving me feeling disengaged and uninterested in the music accompanying the film.

Donald Walker

Overall, the soundtrack of The Nest of the Turtledove is a powerful and evocative element that enriches the storytelling and emotional impact of the film.

Ronald Lee

The soundtrack of The Nest of the Turtledove beautifully captures the emotional journey of Darynka, a Ukrainian woman working in Italy to support her family back home.