The Preppie Murder is a true crime story that follows the events surrounding the murder of Jennifer Levin in Central Park in 1986. The victim, a young woman from a wealthy family, was found strangled to death after a night out with Robert Chambers, a preppy young man from a privileged background.
Chambers claimed that Levin's death was accidental, the result of rough sex gone wrong. However, the prosecution argued that Chambers had intentionally killed Levin during a violent encounter. The case garnered widespread media attention and became known as "The Preppie Murder."
The trial revealed a world of privilege and excess, as well as the darker side of the elite social circles in New York City. Chambers was eventually convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to prison, but the case continues to be a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked privilege and entitlement.
Play | Title | Artist |
The Preppie Murder
Wicked Game
You Owe Me Some Kind of Love
Baby I Love You
Chain of Fools
Wrap It Up
Self Control
You've Got It All