The Ranganation is a comedy show where comedian Romesh Ranganathan discusses current events with a panel of celebrities and members of the public. The show features a mix of stand-up comedy, sketches, and discussions on various topics such as politics, social issues, and pop culture.
Each episode of The Ranganation focuses on a different theme or question, with Romesh and his guests offering their unique perspectives and humorous takes on the subject. The show also includes segments where members of the public share their opinions and experiences, adding an interactive element to the program.
Overall, The Ranganation provides a lighthearted and entertaining look at the world around us, offering viewers a chance to laugh and reflect on the absurdities of modern life. Romesh Ranganathan's sharp wit and comedic timing make the show a must-watch for anyone looking for a good laugh.
Play | Title | Artist |
The Ranganation
Loyle Carner: