The Ripping Friends is a Canadian animated television series created by John Kricfalusi for the Fox Kids block. The show follows the adventures of four brothers who are also superheroes known as the Ripping Friends. The brothers - Crag, Slab, Rip, and Chunk - fight against evil villains and monsters to protect the city of Slaughtering, Swine, and all of humanity.
The Ripping Friends use their super strength and unique abilities to battle their enemies, including the sinister Doctor Dee, who seeks to conquer the world with his army of mutant creatures. The brothers must work together to defeat Doctor Dee and save the day, all while dealing with their own personal quirks and sibling rivalries.
With its over-the-top humor, outrageous action sequences, and colorful animation, The Ripping Friends is a fun and entertaining show that appeals to both children and adults. The series ran for one season in 2001 and has since gained a cult following for its unique style and memorable characters.