The Secret Policeman's Other Ball is a comedy film that features a series of sketches and musical performances from various artists. The film is a follow-up to the successful benefit show The Secret Policeman's Ball, which raised funds for Amnesty International. The film includes performances from well-known comedians and musicians, all coming together to support a good cause.
The Secret Policeman's Other Ball showcases the talent of artists such as Monty Python, Rowan Atkinson, and Sting, among others. The film is a mix of humor and music, with each act bringing something unique to the table. The show is a celebration of freedom of speech and expression, with the artists using their platform to raise awareness about human rights issues.
Overall, The Secret Policeman's Other Ball is a fun and entertaining film that also serves a greater purpose. It highlights the importance of standing up for what is right and using one's voice to make a difference in the world.