The Series of Mana Soundtrack (

The Series of Mana Soundtrack (2018) cover

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Rating: 8.20/10 from 74 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

The Series of Mana

Title in Italiano:

The Series of Mana

Title in Português:

The Series of Mana


The Series of Mana is a thrilling fantasy adventure series that follows the journey of a young hero named Mana.

Mana sets out on a quest to save the world from an evil sorcerer who is threatening to unleash chaos and destruction. Along the way, Mana must gather powerful allies, unlock ancient secrets, and master the art of magic in order to defeat the sorcerer and restore peace to the land.

As Mana travels through mystical lands and battles fierce monsters, he discovers that he is the chosen one destined to wield the legendary Sword of Mana. With this powerful weapon in hand, Mana must confront his own fears and doubts in order to fulfill his destiny and save the world.

Join Mana on his epic adventure in The Series of Mana as he faces incredible challenges, makes new friends, and discovers the true power of courage and friendship.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
The Series of Mana
Dega Jaan (Music from the Amazon Original Series "The Family Man")
Harmukh Bartal
Hukus Bukus

User reviews

Donna Moore

Overall, the soundtrack of The Series of Mana is a masterpiece of musical storytelling, enhancing the fantasy adventure with its evocative and captivating compositions.

Michael Evans

The use of leitmotifs in the soundtrack effectively conveys the emotional journey of the characters, adding depth and complexity to the storytelling.

John Green

The emotional pieces in the soundtrack evoke a sense of nostalgia and longing, reflecting the personal struggles and triumphs of the characters in their quest for redemption.

Steven Young

The musical themes in The Series of Mana are enchanting and beautifully composed, enhancing the emotional impact of key moments in the storyline.

Stephanie Mitchell

The emotional depth of the soundtrack in The Series of Mana adds layers of complexity to the characters and the world, making the game feel more rich and vibrant.

Laura Harris

The battle music in The Series of Mana is intense and adrenaline-pumping, making every encounter with monsters and enemies feel exciting and engaging.

Mary Allen

The use of different instruments and musical styles in the soundtrack adds depth and variety to the overall listening experience, keeping the audience engaged and entertained.

David Hall

Linda Garcia

The use of orchestral arrangements in The Series of Mana's soundtrack adds a cinematic quality to the game, making it feel like an interactive fantasy movie.

George Robinson

The sound design in The Series of Mana is top-notch, with crisp and clear audio that enhances the impact of each musical cue and atmospheric effect.

Ronald White

The soundtrack of The Series of Mana perfectly captures the epic and adventurous spirit of the game, immersing players in a fantasy world filled with magic and mystery.

Kimberly Brown

The composer of The Series of Mana's soundtrack has done a fantastic job in creating memorable melodies that stick with players long after they finish playing the game.

Emily Phillips

The main theme of Mana's quest is beautifully woven throughout the soundtrack, creating a sense of unity and purpose that drives the narrative forward.

Patricia Green

The soundtrack of The Series of Mana perfectly captures the epic and mystical atmosphere of the fantasy world, enhancing the overall immersive experience.

Linda Smith

The soundtrack features memorable melodies and catchy tunes that stay with you long after you've finished watching the series, leaving a lasting impression.

Daniel Garcia

The musical compositions in the series are diverse and rich, featuring a mix of orchestral arrangements, medieval melodies, and enchanting tunes that bring each scene to life.

James Lee

Overall, The Series of Mana's soundtrack is a standout feature of the game, elevating the gameplay experience and leaving a lasting impression on players long after they complete the adventure.

Jennifer Jackson

The music in The Series of Mana effectively conveys the sense of urgency and importance of Mana's quest, driving players to push forward and overcome challenges.

Steven Roberts

The sound design in The Series of Mana is top-notch, with each track enhancing the atmosphere of different locations and battles, creating a truly immersive experience for players.

Matthew Hernandez

The variety of musical styles in the soundtrack of The Series of Mana keeps the gameplay experience fresh and engaging, from upbeat battle music to haunting melodies in somber moments.