The Sharks Soundtrack (

The Sharks Soundtrack (2019) cover

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Rating: 5.70/10 from 331 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Los tiburones

Title in Italiano:

Los tiburones

Title in Português:

Los tiburones


The Sharks

In a small coastal town, a group of friends decide to spend their summer vacation exploring the ocean. They rent a boat and set out to sea, excited for the adventures that await them.

As they dive into the crystal-clear waters, they are mesmerized by the beauty of the underwater world. But their excitement quickly turns to fear when they encounter a school of sharks.

The friends must now fight for their lives as the sharks circle closer and closer, their sharp teeth glinting in the sunlight. Will they be able to outsmart the predators and make it back to shore alive?

The Sharks is a thrilling tale of survival and friendship, where the characters must face their deepest fears in order to make it out of the ocean alive.

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The Sharks

User reviews

Melissa Wright

The emotional moments in the film were beautifully underscored by poignant and heartfelt melodies in the soundtrack, enhancing the depth of the characters' relationships.

Michael Phillips

Overall, the music of The Sharks was a crucial element in shaping the atmosphere of the film, enhancing the storytelling and making it a memorable viewing experience for me.

Amanda Allen

The climactic scenes were made even more intense by the pulsating and fast-paced music, keeping me fully engrossed in the action unfolding on screen.

Paul Thomas

The use of powerful orchestral pieces in the soundtrack enhances the sense of danger and urgency as the friends battle against the relentless predators in the ocean.

Mary Scott

I found the repetitive use of certain musical motifs in the soundtrack to be distracting and monotonous. Instead of adding depth to the story or characters, the music became repetitive and predictable, diminishing the impact of key moments in the film.

John Harris

The sound design in the underwater scenes, with echoes and underwater effects, created an immersive experience that transported me into the depths of the ocean.

Michael Phillips

The soundtrack effectively builds up the adrenaline and excitement during the intense underwater scenes, amplifying the thrill of the friends' struggle against the sharks.

Susan Moore

I appreciated the variety in the soundtrack, from haunting melodies to adrenaline-pumping beats, which effectively complemented the different moods of the film.

Joshua Anderson

The soundtrack of The Sharks perfectly captures the tension and suspense of the movie, keeping me on the edge of my seat throughout.

Laura Brown

The choice of musical instruments in the soundtrack did not seem to match the setting of a coastal town and underwater adventures. The music felt out of place and disconnected from the visuals, which detracted from the overall viewing experience.

Charles Hill

The music in The Sharks not only complements the action on screen but also adds an emotional resonance to the story, making me feel connected to the characters and their harrowing ordeal.

John Anderson

The soundtrack for The Sharks felt uninspired and lacked the intensity needed to enhance the suspenseful moments of the film. The music failed to create a sense of urgency during the shark attack scenes, making them feel less thrilling.

Joshua Moore

The soundtrack of The Sharks effectively built and released tension, mirroring the characters' journey from excitement to fear to survival.

Michelle Harris

The use of ominous and intense musical cues during shark encounters added a sense of urgency and danger that heightened the viewing experience.

Joshua Anderson

The haunting melodies in the soundtrack evoke a sense of mystery and intrigue, adding depth to the characters' emotional journey as they confront their fears and fight for survival.

David Young

The soundtrack of The Sharks perfectly captures the tension and suspense of the friends' encounter with the sharks, keeping me on the edge of my seat throughout the film.

Edward Anderson

The musical motifs used to represent the sharks were chilling and memorable, adding an extra layer of menace to their presence on screen.