The Stranger Soundtrack (

The Stranger Soundtrack (2010) cover

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Rating: 4.70/10 from 3043 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

The Stranger

Title in Italiano:

The Stranger - Lo straniero

Title in Português:

O Estranho

Title in Français:

The Stranger

Title in Türk:

Tehlikeli Yabancı

Title in Deutsch:

The Stranger


An FBI agent seeks to locate a material witness who is involved in a top-secret investigation.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
The Stranger
Dancing In the Dark
As The World Turns
Swim With Sam - Demo
God's Song (That's Why I Love Mankind)
Hooray! Hooray!
If You Could Save Yourself (You'd Save Us All)
Clint Eastwood
Under the Ivy
The Battle
David Steele: Writer
Down Below Me
David Steele: Performer
David Steele: Writer
Fixus USA
David Steele: Performer
David Steele: Writer
Freeze Police
Peter Allen: Performer
Peter Allen: Writer