The Taking of Pelham 123 Soundtrack (

The Taking of Pelham 123 Soundtrack (2009) cover

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Rating: 6.40/10 from 208000 votes
Tags: t. scott and washington
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Asalto al tren Pelham 1 2 3

Title in Português:

Assalto ao Metro 1 2 3

Title in Français:

L'attaque du métro 1 2 3

Title in Türk:

Metrodan kaçış


In early afternoon, four armed men hijack a subway train in Manhattan. They stop on a slight incline, decoupling the first car to let the rest of the train coast back. Their leader is Ryder; he connects by phone with Walter Garber, the dispatcher watching that line. Garber is a supervisor temporarily demoted while being investigated for bribery. Ryder demands $10 million within an hour, or he'll start shooting hostages. He'll deal only with Garber. The mayor okays the payoff, the news of the hostage situation sends the stock market tumbling, and it's unclear what Ryder really wants or if Garber is part of the deal. Will hostages, kidnappers, and negotiators live through this?

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
The Taking of Pelham 123
99 Problems
Billy Squier: Performer
Mountain: Performer
Michael Baiardi: Performer
Jay-Z: Performer
Leslie West: Writer
Funklab Bass Problem
Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythm of the War Drums
Something On the Track
"It's Me, Man!"
Rigged Contracts
An Ass Model Named Lavitka
Money Run
Garber Meets Ryder
All Others Pay Cash
The Train Leaves the Station
The Lights Are All Green!
Manhattan Bridge
"...You a Yankee's Fan?"

User reviews

Steven Jackson

The soundtrack of The Taking of Pelham 123 perfectly captures the tension and suspense of the film, enhancing the overall viewing experience. The use of strings and percussion creates a sense of urgency that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats throughout.

Laura Smith

I particularly enjoyed how the music seamlessly integrated with the action sequences, heightening the emotional impact of key moments in the plot. The score effectively reflects the psychological cat-and-mouse game between the hijackers and the authorities, adding depth and dimension to the narrative.

Jennifer Perez

The soundtrack of The Taking of Pelham 123 effectively captures the tension and suspense of the film's plot, enhancing the overall viewing experience for the audience.

Robert Martin

The soundtrack of The Taking of Pelham 123 perfectly captures the tension and suspense of the film, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Elizabeth Robinson

The use of music in key scenes helps to build suspense and heighten the emotional impact of the story, making the audience feel more connected to the characters and their predicament.

Michael Thomas

The use of dynamic and intense musical cues in key moments adds depth and emotion to the storyline, creating a more immersive atmosphere for the audience.

Amanda Miller

The musical score perfectly complements the fast-paced action sequences and intense moments in the movie, creating a sense of urgency and drama that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.