The Ticket Soundtrack (

The Ticket Soundtrack (1997) cover

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Rating: 5.80/10 from 277 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

El premio (The Ticket)

Title in Italiano:

Caccia disperata

Title in Português:

The Ticket

Title in Français:

Un billet pour le danger

Title in Türk:

Un billet pour le danger

Title in Deutsch:

Tödliches Los


Cee Cee Reicker is a woman whose love must be earned, not bought. However, even when her husband Keith wins a prize of 23 million dollars, Cee Cee isn't sure if she can repair her unstable marriage. Without agreeing, she accepts to fly with Keith and her son to get the prize. The flight has a fatal ending, and the plane is forced to land somewhere on a snowy mountain. She discovers that their plane crash isn't really accidental.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
The Ticket
Paris' Waltz
Romance Waltz
Agnese and Guglielmo
Their Destiny
Petr Ginz - From "Les enfants de Terezìn et le monstre à moustache"
The Age of Terezìn - From "Les enfants de Terezìn et le monstre à moustache"
Prélude d'hiver in A Minor
Terezìn - From "Les enfants de Terezìn et le monstre à moustache"
Berçeuse de Hanza - From "Les enfants de Terezìn et le monstre à moustache"
Little Boy