The Voices is a psychological thriller film that follows the story of Jerry, a seemingly normal man who works at a bathtub factory. However, Jerry has a dark secret - he hears voices from his pets, a cat named Mr. Whiskers and a dog named Bosco. These voices compel Jerry to commit violent acts, leading to a series of gruesome murders.
As Jerry struggles to control the voices in his head, he meets a woman named Fiona who shows him kindness and understanding. But when Fiona discovers Jerry's dark side, she becomes his next target. The film explores themes of mental illness, guilt, and the blurred line between reality and fantasy.
The Voices is a chilling and thought-provoking film that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.
Play | Title | Artist |
The Voices
Don't mess with Milton
A girl named Li
Shimmy Shimmy Ya
Like a Dog
Sing a Happy Song
Knock on Wood
Knock on another door
Don't mess with Milton
Olivier Bernet: