The White Massai Soundtrack (

The White Massai Soundtrack (2005) cover

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Rating: 6.50/10 from 3591 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

La masái blanca

Title in Italiano:

Masai bianca

Title in Português:

Die weiße Massai


The Swiss Carola Lehmann develops a crush on the Samburu warrior Lemalian Mamutelil during a ferry trip on the last day of her two week vacation in Kenya, although traveling with her boyfriend, Stefan. She strikes up a conversation with Lemalian and, the next morning, instead of returning to Biel (Switzerland), Carola decides to leave Stefan and seek out Lemalian. She travels to Nairobi by bus. From there to Maralal, where she befriends Elizabeth Muzungu, a Caucasian married to a Kikuyu. She explains some important details of the Samburu culture to Carola. When Lemalian meets with her, they walk together to his isolated tribe in Barsaloi. Carola is welcomed by his people, she sells her shop in Switzerland and marries Lemalian, having a daughter with him. She also opens up a store. However, the differences in their cultures force Carola to make an ultimate decision.

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The White Massai