The World Before Your Feet Soundtrack (

The World Before Your Feet Soundtrack (2018) cover

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Rating: 7.60/10 from 723 votes
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The World Before Your Feet

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The World Before Your Feet

Title in Português:

The World Before Your Feet


The World Before Your Feet is a documentary film that follows Matt Green, a man who has decided to walk every street in New York City.

With no set schedule or end date in mind, Green immerses himself in the city's neighborhoods, parks, and hidden gems.

As he walks, he encounters a diverse array of people and experiences, from friendly locals to unexpected challenges.

Through his journey, Green not only gains a deeper understanding of the city he calls home, but also discovers more about himself and the world around him.

The World Before Your Feet is a captivating exploration of urban life, human connection, and the power of exploration.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
The World Before Your Feet
View from the Penthouse, Pt. 1
The Puzzle
View from the Penthouse, Pt. 2

User reviews

Betty Wright

The soundtrack of The World Before Your Feet perfectly captures the sense of discovery and exploration that Matt Green experiences as he walks through every street of New York City.

Stephanie Clark

Overall, the soundtrack of The World Before Your Feet is a powerful and evocative accompaniment to a documentary that celebrates the beauty of urban life, human connection, and the transformative power of exploration.

James Lewis

The diverse range of musical styles in the soundtrack reflects the eclectic nature of the city itself, from upbeat and energetic tunes to more contemplative and introspective melodies.

Michael Mitchell

The music enhances the documentary by creating a sense of wonder and curiosity, mirroring Green's own journey of self-discovery and connection with the world around him.

Ronald Moore

The emotional resonance of the music in The World Before Your Feet is undeniable, evoking feelings of joy, nostalgia, and contemplation as we witness Green's encounters with the people and places of New York City.

Betty Parker

The World Before Your Feet's soundtrack perfectly captures the essence of exploration and discovery in the city of New York. The music elevates each scene, creating a sense of wonder and curiosity that mirrors Matt Green's journey through the streets. It beautifully complements the diverse array of people and experiences he encounters, enhancing the emotional depth of the documentary.

Deborah Lewis

The use of repetitive and monotonous background music throughout the documentary became distracting and took away from the storytelling. Instead of enhancing the scenes and adding to the overall atmosphere, the music often felt like an afterthought, failing to create a cohesive and engaging auditory experience for the viewers.

Donald Martinez

The use of ambient sounds and subtle instrumentation in the soundtrack adds layers of depth to the storytelling, making the viewer feel like they are walking alongside Matt Green on his incredible adventure.

Jennifer Green

The soundtrack of The World Before Your Feet perfectly captures the essence of urban exploration and discovery. Each musical piece enhances the scenes of Matt Green walking through the diverse neighborhoods of New York City.

Thomas Hall

The use of music in The World Before Your Feet not only complements the visuals but also elevates the storytelling, creating a powerful and immersive experience for the audience. The soundtrack effectively conveys the themes of human connection, self-discovery, and the beauty of exploration.

Stephanie Campbell

The use of music in The World Before Your Feet is masterfully done, evoking a range of emotions from nostalgia to inspiration. The soundtrack seamlessly weaves through different moods and atmospheres, enhancing the storytelling and immersing the audience in the sights and sounds of the city. It adds an extra layer of depth to Matt Green's introspective journey, making the documentary a truly captivating and unforgettable experience.

Timothy Turner

The soundtrack of The World Before Your Feet failed to capture the emotional depth and complexity of Matt Green's journey through New York City. The music felt generic and uninspired, lacking the ability to evoke the sense of wonder and discovery that Green experienced during his walks.

Daniel Anderson

The combination of different musical genres in the soundtrack adds depth and richness to the documentary, reflecting the eclectic nature of the city itself. From upbeat tunes to more contemplative melodies, the music guides the viewer through Green's journey with emotional resonance.