The World Between Us is a gripping drama series that follows the lives of different individuals whose paths intersect after a tragic event. The story revolves around a journalist named Charlie, who is assigned to cover a mass shooting that leaves many dead and injured. As she delves deeper into the lives of the victims and the shooter, she uncovers a web of secrets and lies that connect them all.
Meanwhile, Freddie, a survivor of the shooting, struggles to cope with the trauma and guilt of surviving while others did not. His relationship with his family and friends is strained as he tries to make sense of the senseless violence that changed his life forever.
As the series unfolds, viewers are taken on a journey through the complexities of grief, forgiveness, and redemption. The World Between Us explores the ripple effects of violence and how it can impact not only the victims and their families, but also the community at large.
Play | Title | Artist |
The World Between Us
Don't leave me fareway
Yoga Lin:
Pass by the world