The Young Offenders is a comedy film that follows two teenage boys, Conor and Jock, from Cork, Ireland. The boys are best friends who are always getting into trouble and causing mischief. One day, they hear about a shipment of cocaine that has washed up on the coast near their home and decide to embark on a journey to find it.
As Conor and Jock set off on their adventure, they encounter a series of hilarious and chaotic events that test their friendship and their ability to stay out of trouble. Along the way, they are pursued by a determined police officer who is hot on their trail.
Despite the challenges they face, Conor and Jock remain determined to find the cocaine and make a name for themselves. As they navigate through the ups and downs of their journey, they learn valuable lessons about friendship, loyalty, and the consequences of their actions.
The Young Offenders is a heartwarming and funny film that showcases the bond between two mischievous teenagers as they navigate the challenges of growing up and finding their place in the world.