Three Sisters is a play by Anton Chekhov that follows the lives of three sisters, Olga, Masha, and Irina, who live in a provincial Russian town. The sisters dream of returning to Moscow, where they believe they will find happiness and fulfillment. However, as time passes, their dreams seem to slip further and further away.
The play explores themes of disillusionment, longing, and the passage of time as the sisters struggle to find meaning in their lives. They are surrounded by a cast of characters, including their brother Andrei, who is unhappy in his marriage, and Natasha, his controlling and manipulative wife.
As the sisters navigate their relationships and search for purpose, they come to realize that happiness may not lie in their past dreams of Moscow, but in the present moment and the connections they have with each other. The play ends with a sense of resignation and acceptance as the sisters come to terms with their reality and the choices they have made.
Play | Title | Artist |
These Women
A Change Is Gonna Come
Santa Baby
Bohemian Rhapsody - Remastered 2011
Common People