Tin Toy is a short film produced by Pixar Animation Studios in 1988. The story follows a tin one-man band toy who finds himself in a room full of intimidating and destructive baby toys. The tin toy tries to escape from the chaos caused by the babies, but eventually befriends a baby who is initially scared of him.
The film explores themes of friendship, acceptance, and overcoming fear. It won the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film in 1989, showcasing Pixar's early success in the animation industry.
Tin Toy is considered a classic in the world of animated short films, and it paved the way for Pixar's future success with feature-length films like Toy Story. Its innovative animation techniques and heartfelt storytelling continue to captivate audiences to this day.
Play | Title | Artist |
Tin Toy
The Stars and Stripes Forever
John Philip Sousa:
(uncredited) composed
Animal Antics
Philip Green:
Puffin' Billy
Edward White: