Tracey Ullman's Show is a British sketch comedy television show starring Tracey Ullman. The show features Ullman portraying a variety of characters, including celebrities, politicians, and everyday people. Each episode consists of a series of sketches that lampoon current events, pop culture, and societal norms.
Tracey Ullman's Show first premiered in 2016 and has received critical acclaim for Ullman's versatile performances and sharp wit. The show has been praised for its clever writing and satirical take on contemporary issues. Ullman's ability to transform into a wide range of characters has been a highlight of the series.
Tracey Ullman's Show has been compared to Ullman's previous work, such as "The Tracey Ullman Show" and "Tracey Takes On...". The show has been lauded for its ability to tackle complex topics with humor and insight. Ullman's comedic timing and knack for impersonations have made the show a hit with audiences and critics alike.